> Will China stop polluting?

Will China stop polluting?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I worked in China for three years, and yes there is a lot of pollution, but they are trying very hard to overcome it.

Yes they are building lots of coal fired power stations, but they are modern station with electrostatic precipitators and FGD plants to eliminate dangerous emissions.

House heating and cooking with electricity from coal fired power stations, is a lot cleaner than burning coal or wood.

Chine is a forward looking country they recognized problems like overpopulation and pollution a long time ago and are researching and developing means of producing clean energy including LFTR"s

China has run out of a lot of things. Your statement about killing a million a year is without basis. It is a figure that you pulled out of your rectum, now admit it. I heard all these arguments about how smoking kills x amount. Now there is less smoking among the American public than there was let us say in 1965. Has the lung cancer rate gone down in the US? No. It has increased.

Now let us look at figures which are tangible. Deaths caused by Malaria. There are multi-millions of deaths a year caused by Malaria, a disease that was once almost extinct due to DDT. You never hear about those deaths because they are a direct result of the US EPA and the UN. If you saviors of the Earth want to save lives, save some lives you definitely have control over. You won't because it would take away some of you corruptly earned power and your associates, like Al Gore, cannot make any money from that.

As far as China is concerned, they know these restrictive environmental laws are useless and thus they take no heed to your insanity.

I lived in Dayton, Ohio in the sixties. The air quality was not good. Then they passed restrictive environmental laws and the air got real clean. It wasn't that they cleaned the air up by scientific methods, many companies just moved or went out of business. Today Dayton is a ghost town, unemployment is rampant, but they have clean air. Pittsburgh has a similar fate.

The US was supposed to run out of water back in the seventies, according to the 'experts'. You greenies don't understand that water is renewable. Ha! Ha! What calamity will be fall us next?

Quotes by H.L. Mencken, famous columnist: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed ― and hence clamorous to be led to safety ― by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." And, "The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false face for the urge to rule it."

Where do you get your statistics?

How do you define pollution?

And isn't "running out of water" a bit different than "straining some particular water resources they depend on?"

Probably only if the pollution gets so horrible or they see it as economically advantageous

Not anytime soon China is in the process of building a sh*tload of coal fired power plants to electrify millions of households and as the emerging Chinese middle class grow, autos will grow with it using still more fossil fuel

Has America ever stopped polluting?

Do you live a carbon neutral life?




u stop polluting first..shithead

