> What have Climate Scientists determined to be perfect climates for the?

What have Climate Scientists determined to be perfect climates for the?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
They haven't, there is no funding it it, if it was found out that 2 or 3 degrees warmer was better then whoops there goes all the carbon taxes.

Where exactly has trillions of dollars been spent "worldwide"?

What ever gave you the idea that there is a "perfect" climate or ideal number of hurricanes? If I were living down under I'd be pretty sure a continent wide drought and half the country in flames isn't exactly ideal, but maybe that's just me- for all I know y'all could enjoy burning up.

There is no way to predict a perfect temp and even if you change the ideal there would still be storms of that magnitude based on ocean evaporation and trade winds and motion of the jet stream

The concern is that ice melt, rising seas, changing ocean temps etc will produce more severe storms and for them to be stronger. This doesn't mean today or next year or even next decade, but it will happen regardless of all the denier tears.

So another 1-2 degrees is acceptable but if the global average rises 3-5 degrees, some parts of the globe will be unrecognizable and more than a billion could die. This would mean seriously increased CO2 absorbing into the oceans causing devastating acidification killing much of the food for marine life and over 1 billion people rely on the oceans for their food/protein There is not nor would enough agricultural crops to feed them.

Perfect climate? If I wanted a perfect climate, I would migrate.

It is easy to do away with subsidies in all industries, just vote in politicians who are stupid enough to do so. (While I would love to see all subsidies end, I realize that in the current global economy, you can be sure that your economy WILL fail.)

And to stop dumping additional CO2 in the atmosphere simply ban dumping the waste products of industry into the environment. Why is that option not on the table? Because we know that this will give other nations an advantage in the short term while polluting our shared atmosphere.

Neither ending subsidies nor banning the dumping of CO2 is going to happen, but I would love to start with ending ALL subsidies on fossil fuels since we know that CO2 does affect the heat retention capacity of the earth and as such other nations are likely to follow suit if they wish to continue trading internationally.

I don't think we know about climate to mess with it. Fighting global warming is not about giving Earth a perfect climate. It is about not interfering with the climate we have.

What "trillions"? We have not even done away with taxpayer subsidies to fossil fuel companies (which would REDUCE spending) let alone do anything significant on combating global warming. Which liar-denier anti-science blog has misled you into thinking "trillions" are being spent to "fix" climate?

No.... not yet...

BTW why are up so late at night in australia?

various areas/zones of the Earth? Is there a goal that is to be reached that would justify the spending of $Trillions (worldwide) of taxpayer money proposed to "fix" the climate? Have "ideal" incidents of hurricanes, drought, flooding, snow....etc.been established?