> Do you think Michael Mann was hired by the North Koreans to handle the election data? I see his fingerprints?

Do you think Michael Mann was hired by the North Koreans to handle the election data? I see his fingerprints?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
all over this.

I think you may be on to something. It looks like Mann was able this time to eliminate all the Kim Jong Un deniers. There is definitely a consensus. If I were there, I would vote for him too. It beats reeducation every time.

Not sure about Mann. It looks more like a Cook et al offering what with a greater than 99% turnout!

At the Council of Rome, at which the Protocol Elderon presided over the Red, White and Blue Rothschilds so relevantly observed by Billy, the Fellowship of the Babylonians was ordered kidnap Mann and hide the decline of their descent into the Mines of Moria.

"There was still no source of light save for the flicker from Goodgulf's sputtering wand, and the only sound came from the sinister patter of following footsteps, the heavy breathing of North Koreans, the rattle of gumball machines, and the other hurly-burly of deep, dark places."


Leave it to a denier to post a question that has nothing to do with GW or the forum itself. You deniers should see if you can come up the mysterious missing evidence that AGW isn't real instead of wasting time with all this riduculous and destractive junk

LOL.....North Korea is a dictatorship....not sure what the article is doing....oh wait I do. It is called mind control pro American propaganda. If the people of North Korea are so "suppressed" then why aren't they rebelling and going crazy begging for Lord Rothschild to save them? This article is trying to make you think your in a "democracy". Let me tell you we cast votes for one candidate every year.

The Elite: "Monkey here you get a vote do you want The red colored Rothschild controlled Republican or The blue colored Rothschild controlled Democrat"

You the monkey: "uhhhhm I like red cause they know AGW ain't true"

The elite laughing at you behind your back: "okay good job monkey you got your right to vote, you happy?"

You the monkey: "uhhhmmm yeah I'm so happy I get to chose my vote unlike North Korea....uhhh America is so great. Now I better go to work and slave so I can survive and make other people rich"

The Elite: "my goodness how stupid these people are. Oblivious to their slavery and efforts to make us rich and powerful"

You vote between two candidates just one more then North Korea, yet you think that is "democracy".....please you live in the same dictatorship as me and North Korea.....it is zero difference.

all over this.