> Can you name an atmospheric gas that does NOT trap heat?

Can you name an atmospheric gas that does NOT trap heat?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

There is no know substance on earth that does not retain heat. If you find it, it will be easy to identify, it will be at absolute zero.

>>So oxygen and nitrogen which make up about 99% of all the gases in the atmosphere are trapping heat just fine.<<

The gases have different properties. Oxygen and nitrogen do not absorb infrared radiation - and playing words games does not change that fact.

"Funny that you don't know what is meant by the phrase traps heat, that is the usual expression used by AGW advocates to describe what they say CO2 and other greenhouse gases do"

CO2 does not trap "heat", idiot.

"And no, you can't say that oxygen and nitrogen do not trap heat, they hold lots of heat. The atmosphere would get to around 254°K without any greenhouse gases in the air at all, which is about 90% of the Earth's average temperature.So oxygen and nitrogen which make up about 99% of all the gases in the atmosphere are trapping heat just fine."

Your argument is based on the premise that 99 = 100.

Your brain traps heat.

I don't know what is meant by "trapping heat"-- it is poor terminology and careful people don't use it. If you mean which atmospheric gases do not have significant absorption in the thermal infrared, then there are lots of them, starting with the most common gases, nitrogen and oxygen.

EDIT: I know that MANY people that believe in AGW and that should know better than to use this term--but when I say I don't know what is meant by it, I say that because it has NO PRECISE MEANING. One person means one thing by it and somebody else means something completely different. In fact, it is this ambiguity that drives your question--which is why you didn't like my answer.

Time and time again you show yourself to be both scientifically uninformed and intentionally misleading.

Have you ever wondered why the sky is blue during the day, reddish colors at sunrise and sunset and black at night? Have you ever asked yourself how old the light from the stars that you see at night is?

Goodbye =)

No. Oxygen and nitrogen do not reflect heat as CO2 and CH4 do, but they still trap heat by absorption.

Any gas that isn't a greenhouse gas like water vapor, CO2, methane, CFCs, and nitrous oxide.

Good question,

Sage seems to have hit the scientific nail on the head.

i dont no
