> Will you be disappointed if this winter is colder than normal?

Will you be disappointed if this winter is colder than normal?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No. You seem to lack any understanding of this topic. Global Warming does correspond to an increase in global mean temperature of Earth, and a profound change in our climate, over a long period of time. A cold winter in some parts of the northern hemisphere has nothing to do with the global trend observed since the beginning of last century.

And just so you know, people ceased to believe in almanacs when modern meteorology and science became mainstream, a generation or two ago. So I wouldn't trust your "Old Farmer's Almanac" over scientific proof and your local weather broadcast.

But if you insist of living in complete obscurantism, burn one or two witches and pray God, this might make your winter less cold.

No. My wife likes it cold. I ski, so I hope for snow.

The down side is, that I would have to read al those post: "Gee can it be GW if this winter is so cold in my backyard?"

did you forget the other half of the planet? The USA is not the world.

Bye bye moron

If this winter is as cold as the Old Farmers Almanac predicts it will be, will you be disappointed because you know that you'll have to explain endlessly to people how global warming causes the planet to get colder and the cold is predicted by the climate models? Don't you wish winters would be warmer than normal just so you can tell people you are right about so-called "global warming"?