> Does Global Warming Means More Snow, Less Snow, Record Snow or No Snow?

Does Global Warming Means More Snow, Less Snow, Record Snow or No Snow?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
YES! No matter what it does, you will be told it is Global Warming.

Jack Snow use to be a wide receiver for the Los Angeles Rams back in the 60s when I was growing up and then I saw some cartoon character named Jack Frost. Since then it has rained and snowed in almost every year and I think of both football and Christmas as being a big part of a cool or cold climate. Hasn't changed much in years. I like baseball too. Am I in the right category?

One warm decade or one warm century or one warm millennium really is too small a sample. Humans, even human civilizations, simply don't lasted long enough (so far) to observe real drastic climatic change. Although the extinction of the big dinosaurs is the most famous extinction event, there have been at least four others.

Yes climate change can cause more snow, but only locally, the huge amount all over the northern hemisphere, of snowfall this year is a sure sign that there is not much warming.

Temperatures come first only when there is no mechanism other than temperature to cause carbon dioxide. The cave men who lived hundreds of thousands of years ago did not drive SUVs and burnt very little, if any coal. And if Mr. Gore says otherwise, which I doubt, since you didn't provide a source, he would be wrong. Al Gore is not a scientist.

I though that you believed that Earth was only 6,000 years old. Given that you young Earth Creationists think that God put anything older to test our faith, why are you using ice core samples to make your case?

This is one of those aspects of global warming which is "counter-intuitive" as is often put forward. That's another way of saying "we can explain anything" or "don't bother trying to figure it out because you are ignorant and in denial".

My prediction for the next "is consistent with global warming" will be the recovery of the Arctic sea ice. I can't predict what the explanation will be but I'm sure I'll be told I'm ignorant and in denial for questioning it.

The term “global warming” is an unfortunate choice of words to describe the current and predicted changes to global weather patterns. Heavy snowfall events reinforce the perception among some that global warming is not occurring, a perception which prevents taking actions to help mitigate the effects of climate change. Being concerned about global warming does not make apparent sense when you’re knee-deep in snow. “Climate change” is a more accurate term to describe the condition of our changing weather patterns. The excessive greenhouse gases in the air are not only increasing the annual temperature but are also causing irregular weather patterns, which was the cause of snow being very little last year but a lot this year, blizzards, hurricanes, floods are also caused by climate change.

Here's the real answer for you Maxx: you don't care one way or the other, you're only looking for apparent contradictions to build your denial case. Deniers take things out of context, use only the headlines from newspapers or blogs, then claim they've come up with some great contradiction. Whenever anyone looks carefully, that's never the case.

As I've explained before, on more than one occasion in here, you have to be very careful about saying it means "more snow" or "less snow". You can even have more snow AND less snow in essentially the SAME PLACE.

I've explained this before and it's simple to understand, but you and your denial fraternity brothers either don't pay attention or don't care to understand.

As I said in an earlier answer, I'm amazed at how deniers work very hard at being stupid--it would take less effort to actually try and learn some science.

EDIT for your additional details: Yes, I think I will deny that he said that (and he's not "beloved" to me, since I've never heard of him except in denier questions). The reason I will deny that he said that, is because even YOUR OWN LINK does not claim he said that!! It would be a dumb thing for a climate scientist to say, and they're usually pretty smart people, so that's another reason to deny that he said it.

I think I've said before, that deniers are not just scientifically illiterate, they also seem to have problems with reading comprehension.

By the way, where I live I remember it snowing when I was a kid, but it has never snowed since.

Another EDIT: Maxx, I'm impressed that you admitted you were wrong, although you need to look up the meaning of "imply" and compare with "infer."

It means no snow or less snow in some places, more snow or record snow in other places.

Global warming deniers often will point to a huge snowstorm or blizzard and insist that means there's no global warming. But they're confusing -climate- and -weather-. As the atmosphere warms up, all kinds of weather will be more powerful, more severe. Because weather is caused by the contrast between hot and cold air masses, wet and dry air masses. And at a higher average temperature, that contrast is more! There's more energy in the atmosphere.

This is why global warming believers predicted, years ago, that we would be seeing more, and bigger, typhoons, hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms and even snow storms. Which we are seeing now.

They are not allowed to change their minds because the science has long been settled ( plus they have their consensus). To change their minds now would make them deniers.

I know it seems counter-intuitive, but global warming can actually mean more snow *and* less snow, just in different areas or at different times.

The key is that you will generally get the heaviest snowfall when temperatures are *just* under freezing. That's when it's cold enough to snow without melting, but warm enough that the air can still hold a fair amount of moisture. Part of why Antarctica is a desert is that the air is *so* cold that it can't really hold any water at all.

So, in areas or at times that were previously too cold to snow heavily, you'll get heavier snowfall. In areas or at times when it was almost too warm to snow, it will become actually too warm and you will have no snow.


Alarmists are on record as saying Global Warming means less snow or no snow or such similar things. But now that we are seeing lots of snow they seem to be changing their minds.

So what do you think?

“Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past”. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit http://wattsupwiththat.com/2009/12/29/crus-forecast-winter-snowfall-will-become-a-very-rare-and-exciting-event/

Snow cover sets new record



Since the ice caps are melting and the sea level is rising it would probably mean that there would be more precipitation due to the larger amounts of water. Whether that translates to rain or snow depends on the area.

Those are all incontrovertible proof of Man-Made Global Climate Change (They changed the name a few years ago when the warming stalled.)

Alarmist like yourself and your buddies who claim AGW is a scam secretly perpetrated by thousands of scientist all around the world in order to get politicians to raise taxes on every one including the scientist and to bring about a tyrannical one world government?

Well, global warming will eventually cause the ice caps to melt, so that means more water, less ice and snow. If the warming causes any volcanic activity, then if enough or if a large enough volcano erupts, then the ash will cause the sun to be blocked out, causing another ice age. We don't know what will happen, all we know is what could happen, and how it will get worse.