> What are the benefits or pros of regulating coal fired power stations emissions?

What are the benefits or pros of regulating coal fired power stations emissions?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
A slight cut back on emissions of mercury.


A reduction in flexible reliable electricity, danger of blackouts, big increase in electricity prices, reduction in reserves of natural gas, damage to the environment through biomass fuels, death to birds and bats through windmills.


- Regulating pollutant levels such as particulate matter, co2, so2, and CN in some cases.

- Cleaner environment

- perhaps less coal mining as stricter regulations would mean less profits for certain people

- a directional selection towards other sources of energy


- rising electric costs as coal fired plants would have to pay more for the regulations in place

- heavier reliance on other fuels (can be both good and bad)

Higher prices for power.

Al Gore, George Soros and others get richer.

Coal miners have a safer lifestyle, on welfare.

China can get their coal out of Kentucky cheaper.

Greenies don't have to picket coal fired power plants anymore, they can concentrate on nuclear facilities.

Unions finding out Obama really wasn't out for their best interests.

Politicians gain more control of our lives.

Excuse for new taxes.

More bureaucracy.

More Nobel prizes handed out to people who never did a darn thing to better the earth or their fellow man.

More reasons for environmentalists to fly off in CO2 spewing airplanes to club meds and pat themselves on the back and give our money to whores.

To keep the poor poor.