> Are Climate Scientists working for the best interest of the people?

Are Climate Scientists working for the best interest of the people?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Perhaps most are, but an example of a (non-climate scientist) physicist who did not have the "best interest of the people" was Jan Schoen (see aftermath of his misconduct, below). The Climategate Email Scandal and attempted cover-up was similarly scandalous, but there were no repercussions for the acts/statements of the main 'characters'.......a scandal in and of itself.

"In June 2004 the University of Konstanz revoked Sch?n's doctoral degree due to

"dishonorable conduct". Department of Physics spokesman Wolfgang Dieterich called the

affair the "biggest fraud in physics in the last 50 years" and said that the "credibility of

science had been brought into disrepute".


I think most of them are but much of their work is used by extremists to push their petty political agenda. You won't find too many climate scientists suggesting that we are causing catastrophic or even harmful warming overall IMO. I think a lot of them probably went into it to save the planet but it isn't like most of them can actually do much about it either way.

I suspect that some are. Climate extremist are working to benefit themselves or their agenda as most liberal politicians do.

Some Green Nazi loser moved this about 8 times.

No they're as hysterical as any doomsday priest.

We survived an ice age before. We can do it again. Who cares I'm doing my best to speed it up. Lol.

It's nonsense.

But it does serve us to manage our resources and keep things clean.

They just hate industry and have found away to stoke the masses into frenzied fools.

No , there agenda to stop our way of life has put a large damper on all of us . And who got rich over this BS

Even if they as a collective whole were not, independent minds are with no agenda. Climate change is real brother, it saddens me how ridiculous non believers are, I wonder how bad the ozone would be if the damage where discovered today and it were politicized.

Yes. They have been doing so for many years. Their findings conflicted with big business, and industry, and their idea of status quo. Industry has a helluva lot more money to spend on media and propaganda, than scientists trying to save our planet.

Result? Hotter dryer summers. Wetter wet seasons.Colder winters with record snow fall. Sea levels rising at exponential rates. We are causing it. We didn't pay attention, when we were warned in the 1970s. Might be too late to prevent our extinction now.

No they are human, they are working for their own best interests.