> Should large wind farms be built in the San Francisco bay to help fight global warming?

Should large wind farms be built in the San Francisco bay to help fight global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
San Francisco bay has enough wind power to support 250-400 wind mills. Do you support building up the bay, filling it will wind mills as a means to generate clean energy

Considering that these people claim to be environmentalists, it should be a minimum starting point, along with Hyannisport in front of the Kennedys' compound, Malibu, and other places populated by wealthy liberals.

I support anything that I am not paying for and just about nothing that I am. Since nobody in their right mind would pay their own money, I am sure the Moonbeam would be more than willing to donate our money for the cause unless of course it ticks off some of his donors.

Windmills stop operating when the wind is too light or too strong, they would have to come up with a new design to cope with the stronger than average wind.

Are you being funny ? We have wind farms but the land is too valuable in the Bay Area, they are out in the boonies somewhere. They would spoil the landscape near the GG Bridge. The city would lose tourism and thats the main revenue source.

Global warming is cyclical, and happens with or without humans. We're just speeding it up.

I don't think much of putting large stationary structures in the middle of major waterrborne traffic exchanges.


yes plese start on that project

maybey. tidal power makes more sense

San Francisco bay has enough wind power to support 250-400 wind mills. Do you support building up the bay, filling it will wind mills as a means to generate clean energy