> In 2005, the consensus of global warming "scientists" predicted that there would be more hurricanes and they w

In 2005, the consensus of global warming "scientists" predicted that there would be more hurricanes and they w

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Perfect examples of the Warming Alarmists/Activists marketing "Global Warming" as having short-term, Catastrophic consequences if we don't spend $Trillions of dollars to fix "it".


Please back up this claim with a valid source (no Infowars/Fox News copy-pasted BS).


You sure about this? Sounds to me you misunderstood the source (or of course your source is Fox News or alike whose writer hasn't got a clue what he/she is talking about. Would not be the first time...

<< There hasn't been a Cat 3 or better storm in the USA for over 9 years.>>

Hmm, there was Sandy which was a Cat 3 (2012), there was Irene (2011) which was also a Cat 3. And there were Lane (2006), Karl (2010), both Cat 3's. Oh, and there were Dean and Felix, both in 2007 and both Cat 5 storms.

Seems to me that you have forgotten to properly research the issue a bit before making stupid statements. Either that or you are simply copy/pasting anti-science propaganda being put out by (fossil fuels funded) ignorants with a blog.

simple as 1-2-3

#1-The 2005 prediction.


#2-Scroll down to the charts in this link to see actual named tropical storm activity.


#3- draw your own conclusions about the accuracy of official predictions.

This quote attributed to Niels Bohr pretty well sums it up.

"prediction is difficult, especially about the future"

Yeah, I know Yogi Berra later said it too but Everyone knows Bohr was smarter than the average Berra.

The latest cries from alarmist is either there were no predictions or the fear of those predictions happening at some time in the future is enough to make you believe.

Care to show proof as to your assertion? I'm not saying you are wrong. The current science points to frequency of hurricanes staying the same or declining while their power increases. Here is a paper from 2001, cited by over 1000 other publications, that states that hurricane frequency works on a multidecadal time scale.

The Recent Increase in Atlantic Hurricane Activity: Causes and Implications - http://faculty.fgcu.edu/twimberley/Envir...

The following states that hurricane frequency and intensity follow the EL Nino Southern Oscillation and the West African Monsoon

Intense hurricane activity over the past 5,000 years controlled by El Nin?o and the West African monsoon - http://www.fs.fed.us/global/iitf/pubs/na...

Changes in hurricane frequency and intensity remain a matter of debate. Current scientific thinking is that frequency will decline while intensity increases. Why are you only relying on the US though?

Uncertainty in Hurricanes and Global Warming - http://www.ask-force.org/web/Global-Warm...

Denialists love to focus on details. Let's ignore the thermometers. We don't need them because we have failed predictions.

Do you have a source for that claim. Many scientists said that global warming would lead to fewer hurricanes, and not just the two who said "No," on the Doran survey.

you are making this up.

Some "scientists" even went on to say that we would need to expand the current scale to include Cat 6 and Cat 7 storms. Global warming "scientists" even clamed that so-called "global warming" had a name, and that name was Katrina. There hasn't been a Cat 3 or better storm in the USA for over 9 years. Why was the consensus so wrong on their prediction? Remember 97% of "scientists" agreed with this statement.