> Whats global warming?

Whats global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
First is Global Warming real and the biggest question is what is causing it if it is? The fact that the average temperature is rising is true. The lie is a political one can suggested man's industry is at fault. We should remember the report issued by the UN and "some" scientists that blames much on man. A scientist and part of that team removed his family into isolation and they are in hiding. What was fact is two things that have changed since 1900. It was not reported in the UN report! So, it is all hogwash and just politics.

Since 1900 the number of active volcanoes has increased over 10 fold. This includes undersea and above. This shows only one reason. We may now see lacing of our atmosphere with reflective particles and environmentalists and citizens can see these being spread. There is an outcry. So why are they doing this? It is like that scientist in hiding said, it is not from man but much is changes in our own sun! They found this out and refused to report it! Now, if you passed 3rd grade you have to note that it was for political reasons to suggest the warming was from man!

Americans remember the Mt. St. Helen eruption but most do not know what this did! It released more greenhouse gas into our atmosphere than all the industry and all the vehicles do in the USA for a whole year! We have 1000's of active undersea volcanoes and eruptions in Japan; Iceland; and many other places. Our earth is changing so do not listen to these political supporting scientists who seem to refuse facts or just deny reporting them as they may be told to do so to get funding! Earl

A big scam that was invented after the imminent Ice Age scare didn't work.

Life magazine of January 3, 1970, stated: “Scientists have solid experimental and theoretical evidence to support . . . predictions” such as: “In a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution,” and “increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will affect earth’s temperature, leading to mass flooding or a new ice age.”

Global warming is a myth. A scare tactic. A way to keep your mind in bondage.

Google "man's contribution to CO2" and you'll discover the truth.


It will not destroy us.

A government conspiracy created to scare the American public into giving the Feds more power. The climate rises up and down naturally all the time. And the polar bears aren't drowning.

When it comes to connecting the dots between climate change, extreme weather and health, the lines are clear. The earth is saying something with record heat, drought, storms and fire. Scientists are telling us this is what global warming looks like.

It's what happens.....thankfully.....following an Ice Age.

testicles that glow when the temperature increases