> What's the difference ?

What's the difference ?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Ha ha,nice one. The medicine man statistically has a higher success rate.

The difference is, if the rain man fails to deliver, he looses prestige and support. The warming alarmists have no such problems. Failed predictions of climate disaster going back 50 years do not worry them in the slightest. They just fluff round the facts and demand more money to save the planet. As they do not like the message they ridicule the messenger.

The same difference as there is between the tribal medicine man who practices Voodoo and a physician who practices modern medical science based on the theory of biological evolution.

The difference between the tribal Witch Doctor and AGW Deniers, on the other hand, is negligible in the sense that both base their beliefs on scientific ignorance or a rejection of science.

The aamerican way....find a problem and through money at it

And this is a rational question on planet stupid? Or are you just having a day off your meds?

Between a tribal medicine man doing a rain dance to try and get water for crops, and an alarmist calling for carbon taxation, alternative energy and less industry to try and make it snow ?