> What areas of the world are likely to suffer the most from predicted global warming?

What areas of the world are likely to suffer the most from predicted global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
he artic right?

It depends on whether you would call ever increasing plant growth and productivity and greater biodiversity in the far north as being suffering. In my Humble Opinion, areas that would suffer most from a warmer climate would be areas that are already among the hottest climates on the planet, such as parts of the Tropics and also much of the Subtropics. Here in the United States, I think that the Southwest would probably suffer some of the worst consequences of global warming, along with the coastal cities along the gulf and atlantic coasts potentially being threatened by higher storm surges and overall sea levels. The Midwest depending on who you ask might become a desert or just might not be able to successfully grow the same crops as they used to.

Actually, I would say the Maldives and similar island states like Tuvalu. They're already planning to buy space on another country and move there i think. They'll be flooded over in the next few years due to rising sea levels from melting glacier ice, especially the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets as well as the ice in the North Pole/Arctic region. The desert countries also seem to be drying up quite a bit

Africa and Asia will be hard hit with water and subsequently crop loss.

Yemen will likely be completely out of water by 2025

Low level islands particularly in the Pacific will suffer rising seas with increased water salinity and floods

Polar ice Arctic and Antarctica. along with Greenland ice sheet and the Russian Permafrost

You are right about the American SW

Any country relying on glacial water for summer irrigation

Yeah, the artic.

Places that are close to sea level and places which currently get just enough precipitation to grow crops. Even Russia and Canada are not immune to killer heat waves




and rising sea levels.


the artic right?