> Climate change are these people real?

Climate change are these people real?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Real doom and gloom merchants


is this what science is becoming?

I guess these poor widdle climate-scammers shouldn't have gone to see the movie SHARKNADO!! Now they are convinced that giant flying monster sharks will attack at any moment.

SHARKNADO is an important film about global warming you know.


Your source is Watts Up With That. In keeping with their well established pattern of lies and deception, this story is of course no exception.

The donation request has nothing at all to do with alleviating the fears of ‘Scared Scientists’, it’s a crowd-funding request to launch the new independent Climate Council of Australia.


There is a link to the Climate Council fundraising page from the Scared Scientists website.


That’s all it is – a link on a webpage. Somehow WUWT manage to invent a completely bogus story from this.

Even if it were true, by what authority has WUWT or any skeptic got to dictate who people can give their money to. The Climate Council site is very clear what it wants the money for and if people wish to donate then it’s up to them.

Deniers don't know science

I'm with Trevor, we should all be free to have our own religious beliefs and a way to buy our way out of sin.

Real doom and gloom merchants


is this what science is becoming?