> Antarctic ice may hit highest minimum ever where's?

Antarctic ice may hit highest minimum ever where's?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
he global warming now?

I think that sea ice extent will vary - probably with temperature.

So they are probably enjoying the cool that Australia are not getting.

"Antarctic, global, do you see the problem here?"

OK, let's do this another way. Let's talk global sea ice. Has that made much of a difference?

"... the extent is high but comes and goes ..."

When it is low we tell you that it comes and goes but you don't buy it!

"The antarctic and arctic are not the same."

You can't fail Peggy on his geography.

1. Antarctica's sea ice is not land locked as is the Arctic sea ice.

2. Antarctica's glaciers are calving adding to the sea ice extent.

3. As the calving progresses this will "freshen" the waters. Fresh water freezes at a much higher temperature than does salt water.

4. The Arctic sea ice extent "recovery" is off a record low extent level so a 40% increase in extent over 2012 is not a miracle. In fact it would take record low extents to show such an increase. Think about it, Kano. Had the Arctic sea ice levels been at the 1979 baseline level then it would have been miraculous to see a 40% increase over the previous year since the extent would have soon become land locked and not possible to extend any further than this.

5. The true metric to use in sea ice measurements will always be in sea ice volume and this has been on a fairly steady and increasing rate of decline since 1979. I beg you to show us any verifiable, observational data that will dispute this.

Arctic sea ice - http://www.thearcticinstitute.org/p/arct...

The conversation on Antarctic sea ice - http://phys.org/news/2013-10-antarctic-s...

It’s already been explained why the extent of the Antarctic sea-ice is variable. The graph you’ve linked to shows that perfectly. 2011 saw a record low extent and just 3 years later we could have a record high extent. That’s how variable it is.

Meanwhile in the Arctic, sea-ice extent is the second lowest ever recorded at this time of year, beaten only by 2011. Unlike Antarctica, which isn’t so susceptible to the effects of climate change (by and large it’s so cold that the ice won’t melt), the Arctic shows a very pronounced downward trend in sea-ice extent (and volume, mass, area and density).


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At no point did I say anything about what the Arctic ice volume had done this year so I don’t know what you’re referring to. The only reference I made to volume was to state that if was showing a pronounced downward trend. A trend is not what happens over one year but over many years.

2012 was the year of record lows in the Arctic. Whatever you compare against this is bound to have an upward inclination, so of course there was more ice in the Arctic in 2013 and over a wider area. This does not affect the long-term trend.

I’m sorry if you find it inconvenient that the Arctic is melting but that’s just a fact of life. Since 2000 the average ice-extent in the Arctic for 12 Jan has been 13.1 million km2, prior to that it was 15.2 million km2. The latest value is the second lowest ever (the JAXA graph doesn’t have the latest data but all the same, it has the value for 2 days ago which was also the second lowest ever for that date) .

No matter how much data you show Climate Cultists that the world is COOLING they just keep on saying it's warming --- this is their grand strategy.

Satellite data however shows clearly that the globe is COOLING and has been for well more than a decade. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/rss/fro...


Trevor says: "I’m sorry if you find it inconvenient that the Arctic is melting but that’s just a fact of life."

No Trevor, that's just absurd. The Arctic is not melting and is nowhere near melting. In fact according to the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) Arctic summer Temperatures have actually been on the decline since 1958. http://wattsupwiththat.com/2010/08/05/dm...

And since you don't like the WUWT site, you can check the data directly from the DMI source here: http://ocean.dmi.dk/arctic/meant80n.uk.p...


Antarctic, global, do you see the problem here? Why don't you stop continuing to pretend like you are interested in this and stop trolling.

Okay GC, Lets talks about global SEA ICE. Curious why, instead, you don't talk about all ice instead of just sea ice.

Here is the trend for global sea ice.


As you can see there are ups and down but the overall trend is declining. What you and people like you would have us believe is that, even though there is more energy in the atmosphere, the extent of 2013 means that the entire globe is cooling and we can safely ignore the trend of the last 30 years. Do you see a problem with this? Why do you only react to one years worth of data only when it meets your personal beliefs?

Regarding your claim of Arctic sea ice.






The ice is melting more each spring. The temperatures are slowly getting higher. Even if there is a slight 10 year cool down global warming is happening because the 100 year trend points that way.

Global Warming ended in 2012 and all satelites reported November 28/ 2012 that ICE was accumulation on different parts of Earth. Mike

It does seem like you're just trolling now Kano. You must have asked half a dozen variations of this same question. The antarctic and arctic are not the same.

EDIT: Yes graphicconception, I do know something about geography that "skeptics" seem completely unaware of. It's amazing how many of you don't recognize the difference.between north and south.

Here's a question that may help you understand the difference. Where in the southern hemisphere would you find a place with the climate of Canada or Northern Europe?


I have explained numerous time to you that the extent is high but comes and goes most of this will melt. Antarctic ice volume is lost from the western portion and is land and glacial ice

The AGW cultists are now claiming more polar ice is caused by AGW. They are bats**t crazy.

the global warming now? http://sunshinehours.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/antarctic_sea_ice_extent_zoomed_2014_day_10_1981-2010.png

Trying to manipulate the facts even more to push their taxes they want to shove on us.

Democrats: Most money hungry, control freaks out there.