> If greenies are so smart, how come they can't come up with a better power plant?

If greenies are so smart, how come they can't come up with a better power plant?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Do you think Al Gore could build a power plant?


Dams - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dam

Solar plants - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_power...

Wind farms - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ons...

Geothermal - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_geo...

Wave power stations - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wav...

Run-of-River - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Run-of-the-...

Waste-to-energy - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waste-to-en...

Biomass - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biomass

and more...

Where I am we get over 90% of our energy hydroelectrically. We also have wood chip (biomass) plants, geothermal and waste-to-energy plants, wind farms, and we plan on implementing more.

The reason why they do not choose these alternatives is because of the fossil fuel lobby and cost-effectiveness. Even your country of the Philippines has put a lot of these to work.


And here is BC, Canada


Notice we do not have coal plants. We have natural gas plants that, as per my understanding, will be decommissioned when they get older.

Edit: Yes, Sagebush, you true scientists. the same ones that believe God has his hand on the thermostat and evolution does not exist. the same ones that really have no idea what they are talking about and back up their arguments using.... quotes.

These different technologies are dependent on where in the world you live. Someone who supports the environment isn't always the same person that acknowledged climate change. Why do you continue to pretend they are? It is not a 'war against greenies' you are having. It is an 'argument against those that acknowledge AGW'. The more you use the word greenies as those you argue against, surprisingly, the denser you seem.

If you look at the South African power plants on wikipedia as well you will see that most new power plants are renewable.

I'm far from a greenie, but it seems like our power needs were solved hundreds of years ago. Build houses that retain heat (that excludes drywall! Quit making homes out of chalk, it's weird!), go to bed when it gets dark, grow food to eliminate driving to the store, and so on. What necessitates tons of energy is travelling to work every day to make someone else rich. But we spend our childhoods being taught that such a concept is our only desireable future. Sorry, but make up your mind, society. Is this a problem or not?

Record wind power levels trigger energy price fall across Europe. [1] I am telling you wind power is going to be disrupting the energy industry when the wind blows and will make the current steam technology (coal, gas, nuclear) more expensive. The cheapest electricity in the USA today is in Kentucky (coal country) where it goes for about 6 cents/kWh. That is about $60/MWh, which is considerably more than 35 euros. In California, you would be paying from 12 to 30 cents per kWh ($120 to $300 per MWh) depending on usage tier.

Next step is cost for battery storage going down to levels where solar on the roof and homes going off grid will make those connected to the grid carry the cost for the maintenance. People are already using them to lower their cost as utility companies are charging customers for standby power [2]

It will take time, to gt this done, but I have been looking at the economics and people living in California are robbing their own wallets for not installing solar on their roof using current technology..

But why use science and economic arguments to convince deniers, since quotes are so much "better" so let me quote you Sagebrush...

"Execute all those who voted for OBAMA",

"Sustainability is a codeword for communism",

"Hire the handicapped, they are fun to watch"",

"Justice and equality are codewords for communism",

"God has his hand on the thermostat".

So while it is obvious what kind of person you are, if we were to use your "logic" [3] it would make ALL deniers, genocidal , justice, equality and sustainability hating, religious extremists. Although it would not be unreasonable to assume that your fans [4] are.

"Germany has already proven that wind power won't work." Just because YOU stated that in YOUR question does not make it true. The article showed it IS working furthermore "Germany is already Europe’s biggest producer of electricity from wind and sun and its newly formed coalition government agreed last month to get as much as 45 percent of electricity from renewables by 2025." (up from the current 35%) [5] And why wouldn't they, wind is cheaper then coal [6] Only natural gas can be cheaper, but only if we dump the waste products into the atmosphere.

It is perfectly possible to fly a plane or sail a boat on renewable energy sources, just because you artificially limit your options that does not mean the rest of us have to. Regardless of the energy source the ship/plane owners choose to use, as long as they operate safely and don't dump their waste in the atmosphere we all share it is fine by me.

They have come up with better power plants. Such as the CANDU nuclear reactor.


The CANDU reactor is probably as safe as a nuclear reactor can possibly be. Given the excellent safety record of the nuclear industry, that is a very big claim. Nevertheless, in case of a malfuction, the heavy water moderator is dumped into a moderator dump tank. Since the coolant loops are separate, cooling can continue, while isotopes with half-lives of a few hours or a few days decay and no longer produce enough heat to cause a meltdown.

S Africa building coal plants is to keep up with the need for power and answering the need by going back to basics

Germany became concerned about the possibility os reactor leaks so the closed the nuclear power plants and went back to coal. Germany still has a priority of moving to alternative power and have a lot of electricity coming from this already

Just like a skeptic to cherry pick and accuse greenies for everything

It is actually the S African and German governments making these decisions and has nothing to do with greenies. but thanks for wasting our time with this

You're just being deliberately offensive. If you're so clever then why don't you explain to the world how to make an efficient nuclear fusion power plant then?

As for our UK government it's because they're a bunch of corrupt money grabbing vandals whom everyone hates, they're nearly as bad as your American Conservatives.

And as for your belief that they're turning to burning woodchips, they're hell bent on building a lot of nuclear fission plants actually

A lack of funding and opposition by the oil companies - the guys with the money to bribe the politicians.

what's this got to do with global warming?

Politics that way--->

Sagebrush.. change medicine. Your rant about greenies is politics. I'm not even going to comment on your brainpower and science knowledge.

That's not a question but a rant


They have got designs but need investment.


South Africa has a shortage of power. They are solving this with a coal fired plant.

Germany is going back to coal. UK is going to wood chips.

Everyone on this site knows that the greenies are the smartest people in the world. (Just ask them and they will tell you.) How come they can't do better than fossil fuel?

They tried to make fusion power work. It is physics that makes it impossible. You need something the size of a star to self sustain fusion.