> Those who were once not sure about global warming and now saying there isn't global warming. Are climate?

Those who were once not sure about global warming and now saying there isn't global warming. Are climate?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
scientists losing their credibility due to none of their computer models making a correct prediction?


http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/the-... almost every single scientist agrees that global warming is actually happening. The only chatter about it being a lie is from uneducated people who are obviously not in the sciences and do not know what they are talking about.

I think this is a telling point from that article "Only 22 percent, however, know that more than 80 percent of climate scientists agree on that basic fact. " (BTW, the actual percent is about 97%)

It is clear that a vast majority of people quite literally have no idea what they are talking about. For that matter, I don't think many have any idea how to analyze an argument.

Personally it scares the **** out of me. But I have read about historical climate change problems. Look up "Green Sahara" to find out what a slow long term climate change can do (and keep in mind the current climate change is happening far quicker than that.

Or, perhaps a bit more scary, look up "The year without a summer". Just a couple hundred years back. And keep in mind that carbon dioxide will not filter down like volcanic ash. It stays up in the atmosphere and the heating will continue on for centuries.

They are models, not 100% accurate predictions. The weatherman says it's going to be 29 degrees tomorrow. It might be 29 degrees at his data station (unlikely it's exactly 29.0000 degrees) but it's 31 at my house- is he not worth believing at all? Put a pot of water on a heating element and it will heat up, no matter how fast or slow or if you think it will reach 212' in 5 min 12 seconds or 29 minutes 43 seconds.

You can argue about details like bad models or whatever all you like, but the plain fact is that more CO2 traps more heat, there is a lot more CO2 now with more being added every year, and that WILL have an effect on the climate. The effect may be beneficial, harmful, or a (most likely in my opinion) a little of both. But do not fool yourself into thinking it is not going to have any effect at all.

scientists losing their credibility due to none of their computer models making a correct prediction?
