> A hook for an essay of climate change?

A hook for an essay of climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Cherry pick THIS Mr Phillips, There is an awful lot of alarmist snake-oil being sold out there, especially by those limp wrist Liberals who need more control over our population. We have in fact been emerging from an Ice age for the last 7000 years. That being the case we may accurately assume we will experience climate warming, They taught us about our past ice age back in grade school, before electricity (or was it Independence?). If in fact we are emerging from that ice age that means (ignoring for the moment all the armloads of scientific printouts, gigabytes of datasets and screams of alarm by the ignorant) we are in fact warming and have been for quite a while deviations in climate history charts due to Sunspots and solar flares notwithstanding. We had the "Little Ice age" due to thermohaline ocean current anomalies in the 1300-1700 era, a function of desalinization due to glacial melting due to this long term natural "warming," causing the the rules get murky.

The Vostok Co2 ice core analyses and subsequent Tschumi-Stauffer climate studies show clearly we have cold hot cycles and their accompanying Co2 variations on 100,000 year intervals. Milankovich elliptical orbit effects are for the most part causing these Hot/Cold cycles creating significant variations in our distance from the sun. The integration of sunspot and solar flare contribution to climate change just adds more humps and bumps to the graphs and more snakes to the prediction barrel. Providing a climate OVERVIEW reaching back over 6 millions years tells the real story, but we are now faced with arguments based on data going back less than 7,000 years, the Gore fraud, obscuring the long term picture exposed by old accepted scientific climate history.

How can man have such a profound effect on the climate in only the past 200 years when normal climate cycles established 6 Million years ago are proceeding as scientifically predicted, the projected temperatures and Co2 values in the mean? A million or so years ago Co2 content was over 1200 Ppm compared to the 370 or so Ppm today, and back then the planet flourished. That man may be contributing to climate change is obvious, but the EXTENT to which he is contributing is most assuredly in question. No one to date has been able to address that issue with any degree of scientific certainty, just a lot of unfounded opinion and fear mongering. Several mainstream scientific sources set the percentage of mans contribution to global greenhouse gas at less than 3%, casting some pretty serious doubts that any changes we make in our energy usage will cause any major change in existing Climate conditions.

Also recent (independent) scientific studies have disclosed that Co2 level does not drive atmospheric temperature, it is in fact the other way around. Our Libtard futurists would have us reduce our contribution to greenhouse gas at least a percentage point, starving over half the world's populations.

Deniers are like something out of the book 1984. They cherry-pick, insult, try to sound smart but don't have the science to back up their claims. They are conspiracy freaks.

The latest Cosmos showed a similar situation of how oil/car companies paid a 'scientist' to say what They wanted about poisonous lead in gas. http://billmoyers.com/2014/04/22/the-lat...

Feel free to write a scientist here ( i have ) http://ncse.com/climate



The scam of the ages.

Climates have changed before Al Gore was born and haven't since.

Climate Change, making some people rich and powerful.

Can 0.87 degrees in 353 years really change a climate?

If you can't stand a 0.87 degree temperature change in your lifetime, you are a sissy.

What happened to global warming!

17yrs without significant temperature rise.

Global ice extent above average,

Antarctic ice extent at record levels

"Glacial Change at the Speed of Light"

"The Only Constant is Change"

"Changing Climate, Changing Lives"

"The Past, Present and Future of Global Climate Change"