> Do you think there will be another ice age?

Do you think there will be another ice age?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I think by then we will be able to control the climate somewhat in order to prevent another ice age, as we already know, dumping more CO2 into the atmosphere causes the global temperature to go up. The science and technology part is easy, the hard part is political.

One can only speculate that religious extremist might think that this somehow disproves the existence of their version of god (and therefore removes their basis upon they should be able to dictate how people should live their lives.)

Define Ice Age. James Hansen has moved the goal posts on this so often we could be in one and don't know it.

Go to the UN-IPCC's 1990 report. On page 202 of Section 7 you will see the third chart which has a pretty good resolution for our time period. The lowest point temperature wise is around 1650. That was considered a mini-Ice Age. Now go to the end of the chart, 1990, and that is considered global warming. there is only 0.7 degree C between Ice Age and Global Warming. If there will be another Ice Age, according to those standards, it is certainly nothing to worry about.

Our heavenly creator has control of earth's thermostat, not man. Ask him.

Almost certainly there will be another Ice age, we have had many before and no doubt we will have many more in the future, the Earth has spent more time in ice ages, than it has in warm periods, when the next one will come is not known though.

If Earth returns to normal, 1,000 years after we stop burning fossil fuels, the next ice age will come like all the ones before, in a cycle that is as regular as day and night.

Ignorant statement

Maybe 20,000 years from now

there will not be

I certinly do not think there will ever be another ice age. Earth is simply too warm and will continue to get warmer in the future. So in the future ice ages will be completely nonexistant. Who agrees?