> Why are humans so skeptical about global warming?

Why are humans so skeptical about global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
When polar ice and glaciers have been melting so much, some low-lying islands are already flooded by the sea and some rivers and lakes around the world have already dried up?

Some people just want to belong to a cause. They are so eager to show others they care, they don't bother to investigate the claims that some make. They just assume humans are bad and whatever is blamed on them must be factual.

We need to be sceptical because some people say ice is melting and islands are sinking but when you investigate it is either not happening exactly as described or it is caused by something else.

For instance, there are claims that last year had the largest amount of sea ice since records began. So the sea ice has not been melting; it has been increasing.

It would be helpful to know the name of the sinking island. Many islands are volcanic and they do sink of their own accord. Some are no more than sand bars and these tend to relocate all by themselves. Some natives of islands and deltas interfere with their local environment and this causes the land to be eroded.

The only case I know of where they are moving people is one where the people are being moved to the island next door. So, presumably that cannot be a sea level rise problem or else they would both be disappearing. I gather they are on different tectonic plates and one is sinking.

I do believe the earth is warming. It warmed 0.8 C in the 20th century and will likely warm some this century. Increased CO2 concentration will push the temperature up by a degree.

I just don't buy into the coming apocolypse the alarmists are trying to scare us with.

Nobody is skeptical about physical observations. I for instance am not skeptical about a barrier island being eroded by water from a river on one side and the ocean from the other and it's probably not a good place to decide to build a town. I am skeptical that this erosion is caused by burning fossil fuel, therefore the fossil fuel industry is responsible and should pay restitution.

The sea has been rising for centuries. There is no recent acceleration.

Polar ice and glaciers have always melted and frozen in the past and will in the future. Nothing new that is unprecedented is happening. AGW is pure agenda driven politics.

Because a majority of people in this country have never been out of their state let alone country.

Because billions of dollars a year are spent telling people it isn't true.

Because people have extremely short term memories on average.

Because it's not true, we are constantly taught this in school as well.

Take a look at this article: http://www.forbes.com/sites/peterferrara...

If you don't believe the Earth to be cooling, then come on over to Chicago where we're having negative temperatures all day, with a wind chill of about, I think the weather reporter said, -40 degrees. Yeah odd behavior for Chicago.

Andrew.....please document your claim that $Billions have been spent by fossil fuel companies to fight the global warming notion.

I'm certain that you are repeating a lie started by someone else.

`If you look at new york at the moment you can see why people might not believe the world is warming.

When polar ice and glaciers have been melting so much, some low-lying islands are already flooded by the sea and some rivers and lakes around the world have already dried up?

Because seeing is believing.

Because Big Oil has paid billions in advertising and political funding to convince people otherwise.

Yes, it really is that simple. The scientific proof is overwhelming, but the average person is more easily swayed by TV and their political leadership than by scientific proof.

At least, not until said proof literally hits them over the head by flooding them out of house and home, anyway.