> What is meant by climate change and give 2 examples?

What is meant by climate change and give 2 examples?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Climate change was a term given by alarmists to changing climates so that any change could be used for their cause. Any scientist knows that climates always change. When science is polluted with politics, you end up with some pretending that any change is proof that humans have caused it. It is garbage of course but that is how far our "science" has been dragged in the gutter by some who simply pretend to be interested in science. They are only interested in pushing their political agenda. There are no changes that can be directly linked to our CO2 emissions with the possible exception of temperature but the extent of the effect of our emissions is unknown and seems to be far lower than alarmists predicted. The theory that our CO2 emissions are causing rising temperature is based on models and those models that predict catastrophic warming don't fit real world trends.

Greg j: Ha! Ha! Did you just get a diploma from Al Gore university? Your retread scare tactics have been tried before. When will you learn they don't work with intelligent people?

"Is our climate changing? The succession of temperate summers and open winters through several years, culminating last winter in the almost total failure of the ice crop throughout the valley of the Hudson, makes the question pertinent. The older inhabitants tell us that the Winters are not as cold now as when they were young, and we have all observed a marked diminution of the average cold even in this last decade." - New York Times June 23, 1890

In direct answer to your question: Climate Change has not been defined, legally or scientifically, enough to give you a qualitative answer. According to the UN-IPCC, the world's foremost expert on CC, their definition of Climate Change is thus, "Climate Change is a change in climate." So according to your question, I could say, "California had has a Climate Change because it changed climates." Wow isn't that revealing? Try taking that to a court of law or writing a white paper on that.

I just don't understand why some people are still keeping their heads in the sand about this issue.

The overall world temperature is warming, causing ice cap melting, which in turn, raises the sea level.

It is also disrupting weather patterns around the world. More and stronger hurricanes and typhoons,

more and stronger tornadoes, and overall weird weather patterns that have never been seen before.

Whether this is caused by humans, nature, or a combination of both, our atmosphere is getting more and more polluted, causing temperatures to rise, as the heat cannot not escape as easily. Who can deny that Greenland is seeing yearly ice melts never before seen. And the South Pole glaciers are cracking and breaking at an alarming rate. And soon, we will be able to navigate ships via the Arctic Circle, since the ice is melting. And where does all that melting ice go?! Into our oceans, rising their levels. Miami is on average 6' above sea level. As the tides rise, it will be submerged within 30 to 50 years.

Climate is usually define as the average weather for a particular region over a long time period.The two example of climate change are environmental temperature, global warming.

If it was 50F last year and 51F this year than the climate is getting warmer. But if it is 23F this year and 20F next year the climate is getting warmer. Also if it is 50.0000F this year and 50.0000F next year the climate is getting warmer. There are 3 examples.

in todays world, 1. religion 2. complete hoax

Do your own homework!

Jimz is not correct.