> Has recent history supported or not the premise of Al Gore's "An Inconvient Truth"?

Has recent history supported or not the premise of Al Gore's "An Inconvient Truth"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Without obsessing over NON-scientist Al Gore, one can certainly advance a very credible premise that ANTI-science dupes, who believe fossil fuel industry deceptions about climate science, cannot spell.

NO. and Al Gore is a politician, since when did politicians ever tell the truth.

His first big lie was to show a chart, that indicated temperature follows CO2 when it is almost certain he knew that CO2 lags temperature.

The evidence of the last 17years shows there is no link between CO2 and the climate.

But it was a smart move, as it worked and he received all the fame and glory (not to mention money) that he wanted.

If you believe or don't believe in Global Warming or Climate Change you should not be going by "recent" history. It's about the long term effects. You can have record cold or heat for a dozen years in a row but that doesn't always work out to a long term trend.

Not supported.

For over a decade the earth has been cooling. Yet the CO2 level has increased. This reality is in direct opposition to the claim that Al Gore so illustriously displayed with his chart. His chart was a big lie in many ways, and recent history shows it.

No This is from the Guy who said He did nothing wrong taking money at the Buddhist

Temple ,

He cannot Predict the future . Worse than Criswell .

While I don't agree with everything he says, I do find myself agreeing with David Icke on the matter of global warming. He makes a much better case for the recent climb in global temperature being the sun rather than pollution.

"Without obsessing over NON-scientist Al Gore"

From Hey Dook, who idolizes "NON-scientific Trevor.

BTW, Dook, are *you* a scientist? If not, being that you urge us not to listen to Gore, shouldn't you also urge us not to listen to *you*?

All I know is that AGW isn't bad kinda like the way that drugs aren't bad because Keith Richards is still alive.