> What are the causes of increasing global disasters?

What are the causes of increasing global disasters?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
More people, more money, more cell phones.

Disasters can be anything from a missing kitten to an asteroid strike. I doubt there are increasing disasters from our CO2 emissions. There are people that would like you to believe it but they want you to believe because they want to indoctrinate you into their political view.

Essentially, there are 2 factors. More potential disasters (extreme weather events, etc), and more people in more places.

Any disasters, such as hurricanes and floods, that can be increased by changes in precipitation and/or evaporation are on the rise because of AGW. And there are also purely man-made disasters such as oil spills.

And, even for disasters such as earthquakes that are not actually increasing in frequency, the problem is that there are more people, so it's more likely that someone will be in the right place to harmed by any given earthquake.

Global warming effects are miserable for millions of people around the world. Due to constant raising earth temperature some palces are seeing worst rains and floods and other parts are seeing worst drought and dried seasons. Due to global warming raising level of seas has become constant threat to several countries like Maldives and Bangladesh. Now world community is seeing worst natural disasters, hurricanes and floods of modern history.

More people, more money, less jobs, Communism leaders, Agenda 21, many things.

The earths only problem is the people it lets live.