> Does this "Arctic Warming" article in 1922 show how variable Arctic Ice has been in the recent past?

Does this "Arctic Warming" article in 1922 show how variable Arctic Ice has been in the recent past?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

I'll go one better. There were many such alarming predictions about 60 years ago. What's so significant about 60 years? It's the length of the PDO cycle- 30 years warming, 30 years cooling. This link has a lot of articles from that time period.

Thanks for the kudos. The climate always changes and the problem is people think the worlds history begins when they were born. Ask most people if the Arctic ice was this low in history and they will quickly respond 'never' without ever looking past the hand picked timeframe by Jimmy Hansen.

You cannot calculate the variability of anything from one data point. You can calculate some measures of variability (like range) from 2 samples, but you cannot get and unbiased estimate of the variance from two values because you lose one degree of freedom when you calculate the mean and, so, the two values are not independent.

In 1922, the warming period that ended in the 1940s had been going on for 12 years.


Local weather.


Courtesy of Jell-O. Thanks J!!!