> Does the EPA consider you and your family expendable for the man-made Global Warming SCAM?

Does the EPA consider you and your family expendable for the man-made Global Warming SCAM?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
William: You are delusional. Now watch closely. There is nothing up my sleeve.

The Earth has been cooling for over a decade now. Here is the proof.


Now during that decade the CO2 level has risen. See how easy it is to disprove AGW? So now it is your turn to prove it. Go ask your teacher if you are stumped.

Direct answer to your question: "It's just another way for them to control my life and lifestyle and basically force me to pay more for just survival," Woods said. This quote from the article says t all.

Global warming is no myth it is a scientific fact. There is many things that contribute to global warming and mankind is a part of it. The EPA is wrong in many areas especially when it comes to woodstoves. Woodstoves are not used by the majority of people making it a very small contributor to global warming compared to things like natural gas and propane which adds an astronomical amount to global warming. The government would favor the EPA due to the inability to collect revenues from those supplying their own would.

So you go from controls on wood burning stoves to families being expendable a typical comment from you but hardly reality, certainly in urban areas many places have already taken action to limit such smoke as it has a solid and measured effect on the atmosphere and those that live around like asthmatics.

Had you actually read beyond your own headline you might have discovered that this is not what you claim at but a new standard (for new homes) for stoves that burn cleaner. It says nothing about AGW but talks of particulates which actually cause cooling, but heh, know body has ever accused you of actually understanding what you link to. It actually even mentions the "American Lung Association" but you ignore that and try to link it to AGW, how sad are you.

The bleating from manufacturers is the much the same as we had here years ago when such tightened rules where brought in and it's rubbish they are still here and they make stoves that meet the regulations. It's sad you try to link this to AGW as I see no connection, wood unlike oil or coal is a renewable resource and one that first takes it's Co2 from the atmosphere (had you bothered to check your facts) this is a matter of cleaner air not climate change.

A small city in the North of my home state Tasmania (Launceston) suffered greatly from this in Winter it is surrounded by hills and in Winter the air quality dropped noticeably due to the wood smoke, you could actually see it (and breath it) and several deaths a year where attributed to it as well as hundreds of asthma attacks.

Today this is no longer an issue.

take the time to learn about the real scam

The EPA is George Orwell's 'Big Brother' an organization set up to control and regulate all aspects of our life, you can kiss any freedom goodbye.

they want everyone freezing to death so they can blame it on global warming. the insanity of the left is never ending.

We all know there is no man-made Global Warming, but the EPA wants to shut down your wood burning stove anyway. http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/epa-wood-stove-ban/2014/02/23/id/554234
