> Any of you conspiracy theorists have $5 million to keep HAARP going?

Any of you conspiracy theorists have $5 million to keep HAARP going?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Of course HAARP is being shut down. The aliens figured out that Chemtrails are a more effective way of enslaving the masses. Duuhhh!

Naw, we'll back back on Barry soon enough. When the stock bubble pops, and all of those trillions of dollars, pumped into Wall Street, finally float down to Main Street; a gallon of milk will cost eight bucks, a gallon of gas will be twelve fiddy; The Idiocracy will be focused on the 'conomy.

We won't be able to afford the internet. No one will give a flip about HAARP.

But the DOD dropping that program is proof, of its ineffectiveness.

Global warming will make the Earth nice and hot just like the Reptilians' Annunaki home world. That’s how those cold blooded Reptoids like it. So the Reptilian Over Lords no longer need HAARP to control the weather.

Anyone with the (alleged) ability to control climate would not need to worry about mere millions of dollars.


Zippi62 –

>>Evolution can not be stopped according your fellow evolutionist scientists. AGW and HAARP must be part of the evolutionary process or your evolutionary science falls apart. <<

The only thing keeping that from possibly being the most stupid statement in the history of Western Civilization is its illiteracy.

The Illuminati can't find 5 million dollars? The conspiracy deepens.

That would make it about one millionth of the Federal budget. I don't think I will miss it but I could probably come up with a million other things to cut first.

Sounds like the Babylonian Wattsup Conspiracy may be conspiring to shut down the Reptilian Heartland Conspiracy. Where is Billy when the world needs him? Has Elvis used Al Gore's time machine to kidnap him and fly him to the Hollow Moon?

I'll throw in my two cents worth and;

That's right. Two cents from each of us should help.

Pffffttt... the government WANTS you to believe they're shutting it down

Climate change deniers are not conspiracy crackpots. It just that all academia, Marxist scientists, governments and publishers are working together to propagandize you into thinking they are conspiracy crackpots.

Whether its the Reptilian capitalists or the Marxists recruited in college physics class rooms who are organizing this not-a-conspiracy, it is hard to say.

Bad news for you HAARP conspiracy theorists, unless someone other than the Air Force can come up with 5 million dollars, HAARP will be shut down this summer. Will that leave just the reptilians in charge of the world's weather?

Of course the new question will be, why was HAARP REALLY shut down?

Mind-altering, shape-shifting aliens have been giving you and Chem Flunky the runaround for years it seems.


Evolution can not be stopped according your fellow evolutionist scientists. AGW and HAARP must be part of the evolutionary process or your evolutionary science falls apart.

Your scientifically intelligent reasoning has always lacked a sufficient foundation.

Gary F - Just showing the stupidity and irrational nature of AGW which had to be invented (conjured up) by evolutionary scientists. Your lack of understanding in the literal intent of my answer is awesome! Being narrow-minded must be your best attribute because you sure show it a lot.

What's HAARP?