> What causes Ice ages? Is it appropriate to talk about ice ages in the global warming debate?

What causes Ice ages? Is it appropriate to talk about ice ages in the global warming debate?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Jello^tm forgets that the Vostok ice data is from a time when the only mechanism to change atmospheric carbon dioxide was temperature. They didn't have SUVs in those days to add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

And that data does not mean that carbon dioxide is not a greenhouse gas. The argument, like many denialist arguments, is a non-sequiter.

We have been saying this for some time. It is the Sun. And there is no proof to the contrary but a lot of supportive data.

However, Al Gore and associates cannot make any money and gain power if this truth became to light. So in retaliation they bring out the old Goebbels' philosophy. Repeat a lie and it becomes the truth.

Give it up Linny, you are bucking the truth, science, and nature.

Ice ages are caused by Earths orbit (milankovitch cycles) and have nothing to do with CO2, we had an ice age in the ordovician period when CO2 was many times higher than now. http://www.clearlight.com/~mhieb/WVFossi...

We can see from the Vostock ice data that even while the temperatures start to decline, co2 levels continue to increase for about 800 years proving that co2 levels follow temperatures, not the other way around.

What causes ice ages?

Is there a CO2 increase that precedes an ice age?

Other than emerging from a prior ice age, does a temperature increase typically precede the start of an ice age?

For reference, is CO2 induced global warming real?

Is it a problem?