> Global warming fears?

Global warming fears?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
You can pretty much ignore the posts so far.

They're the grasshopper in the Aesop fable.

Weather has been unusual this year in many places.

We cannot honestly say it's been caused by global warming,

but it's not inconsistent with what we might expect as the earth warms.

There are an amazing number of people in America today that are consumed by greed.

That's why politicians have reduced taxes, and created a national debt that is the greatest theft from the next generation ever.

And for what?

Not because there was a national emergency.

Simply because the next generation is not in a position to complain about that theft.

It's the same with global warming.

Coal is the cheapest major source of energy.

And we're not going to have to pay for it in the next few years.

By the time we do have to pay for it, those that have engineered it will be long gone.

It is pretty disgusting.

It is not global warming, because there is no warming, it is nearly 18yrs without a temperature increase.

Okay the weather is a bit unusual, erratic jet stream and very cold winters, I put it down to solar conditions, during the Maunder minimum we had a very quiet sun, but it was cold with unpredictable weather, floods, hot spells and then freezing conditions many thousands died from famine and disease.

Come on now be logical, just to look around for something to pick on every time there is some strange weather is stupid, in past times people would say 'the gods were angry' or blame it on witches.

There isn't anyone up to date who believes in 'Global Warming'. Even its supporters know it isn't true so now they terrify you with words like 'Climate Change'. Would someone out there quantify Climate Change? Define it clearly enough so that we can test it. I lived in a small town and there were some kids who believed in the 'Boogy Man' who lived under the bridge. I lived not too far from that bridge and being the naive little kid that I was went down there many times to see what this Boogy Man looked like. Never did see that man but I did see young lovers down there. Do you think someone started that rumor to chase us pests off? However, I had several friends who say they saw that Boogy Man even into their teens.

You see it boils down to this. If you make up a lie a certain percent of the people will believe it. Now if an official of the government helps that lie along even more people will believe it. If unscrupulous but seemingly authentic experts support it then even more people will people will believe it. Hitler and Stalin brought this lying to a fine art or an exact science, if you will. Hitler laughed about it and stated in his book Mien Kampf "if you repeat a lie often enough and loud enough the masses of the people will believe it." This science of lying is used by propagandists and admen alike to this day and the same percentage of people fall for it. People on Madison Avenue make a living making you feel better about using a certain product even if it isn't any better than another.

Joseph Goebbels,

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

So where did you get this idea that our weather patterns were going through something unusual? Was it your teacher? Or Al Gore? Or the main stream media who is known for its lack of credibility? Let us face it. You are bombarded every day with some one coming up with a nes Climate Change scare. This is not new. Back in the seventies many of these same scientists were preaching an impending Ice Age.

Life magazine of January 30, 1970, stated: “Scientists have solid experimental and theoretical evidence to support . . . predictions” such as: “In a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution,” and “increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will affect earth’s temperature, leading to mass flooding or a new ice age.”

But while all this hullabaloo is happening there are sane scientists who have no agenda other than telling the truth, as all scientists should do. You never hear from these unless you look hard enough because their words are stifled by the press.

Quote by Ross Gelbsan, former journalist: “Not only do journalists not have a responsibility to report what skeptical scientists have to say about global warming. They have a responsibility not to report what these scientists say.”

So you are mainly seeing only one side of this argument. Here is just one of many credible scientists who know that GW is just an evil joke.

Quote by Will Happer, Princeton University physicist, former Director of Energy Research at the Department of Energy: “I had the privilege of being fired by Al Gore, since I refused to go along with his alarmism....I have spent a long research career studying physics that is closely related to the greenhouse effect....Fears about man-made global warming are unwarranted and are not based on good science. The earth's climate is changing now, as it always has. There is no evidence that the changes differ in any qualitative way from those of the past.”

If he doesn't see any demonstrable changes, how come you do? Too much Al Gore, maybe?

Your fears are justified. Whatever you want to call it, extremes are on the rise and man's greed is exploiting the earths resources and killing many of species of yet undiscovered life. I personally try my best to recycle and not pollute or litter, and I repurpose as many things in my home as possible. However, the problem is so beyond what an ordinary citizen can change it can be discouraging. At this point, being such an overwhelming political issue, it will take God to change the course of humanity. It is my belief that he will.

Don't allow yourself to be brainwashed by crooked scientists and politicians.

Ask yourself this......Do you believe for one moment that there would be a so-called 'Catastrophic Global Warming' issue if there weren't $$Billions of dollars of taxpayer's money being high-jacked by greedy, universities, scientists, politicians, and so-called 'Green' businesses?? The answer is NO!!

Hurricanes are no more numerous, droughts are no longer, and wildfires are no more extensive than they've ever been. You have no idea what you're talking about, and you should be quiet.

Global Warming ended 11/28/2012 confirmed by our Satelite reports ICE accumulation and also today 8/16/14 ICE is still accumulating on earth. Mike

We've been a destructive species since the beginning. Now that it affects us we're all worried.

That is what I call Irony.

I suspect you have no idea what weather was like in the past. Watch this clip for a tiny sample. Also note how the intelligent people of the day tried to fix the problem then ask yourself if we are being any more rational today.

Get a grip and don't be scared of the bogey man.

Where I live I've been noticing a lot of severe, irregular weather patters. From watching the news, I can see it's pretty prevalent in other parts of the world as well: more hurricanes, long droughts, crazy amounts of extensive wildfires.

I do believe this is a result of global warming, and while I don't know a lot about the subject, I know that nothing is being done fast enough to change the direction we're heading in. I know it probably won't affect me in my lifetime that much, but it fills me with dread to think about my future of my future grandchildren. I don't know what to do about anything. We have the means to combat so many environmental issues. Clean, healthy, alternative energy has already been invented; but of course no one will go for them because they're too expensive. China, one of the top polluters, won't regulate it's pollution because it wants to continue to manufacture and grow it's economy. The U.S. lectures countries like China about this, but who can blame them for wanting what the U.S. has? It's not fair that the U.S. could pollute and manufacture and grow all it wanted back when we didn't care about the environment and then turn around and tell other countries not to do the same thing. But what are we supposed to do?

Honestly, the destruction of the Earth seems inevitable with humans living on it. But what are we supposed to do?

You cant do anything Its fake and a religon . The weather is still the same everywhere . Droughts and floods happen

If you fear global warming, then you'd better start taking action in saving our planet starting with proper waste segregation.

Weather and climate are two different things; and global warming is a myth that runs on politics, not science.

Go to PETA!!!!!!! and no im not talkin' about Hunger Games!


I am so sorry for what you do not know .... Your very last sentence indicates how ill-informed you are.