> Is global warming really a big deal!?!?

Is global warming really a big deal!?!?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
millions of years ago, there were not 7 billion people depending on the climate.

it will be a big deal when New York is under water. That may take centuries, but it's still a big deal.

I don't think its a big deal because the climate is always changing. Sure we probably are altering the Earth's weather patterns due to human activity but its not as if they were static until we came along. The increase in CO2 actually has some benefits. All plants on Earth are suffocated; they're CO2 starved. Higher concentrations of atmospheric CO2 means larger crop yields and it means that areas of forest that have been destroyed by humans in the past will recover faster. We live on a dynamic planet, get used to it people.

I think the hysteria around global warming is just a pseudo-religion of Malthusianism. If you don't know what Malthusian means its based on this 19th century guy who said that we'll end up destroying ourselves because there will be so many people we'll all starve to death. He was wrong, we've had 200 years to prove him wrong and he was spectacularly wrong. There were 500 million people in the world in his time, there's 7 billion today, and do you want to bet people today are better fed than they were in 1813?

I think there are people in the world who are just against civilisation in general. They're against economic growth, population growth, increasing wealth and standards of living. They think we've taken the planet and ruined it rather than developed it. That humans are, fundamentally, a virus. A global cancer. And therefore we need to be limited and constrained and stopped at all costs and that's why there's so much hype about the affects we might be having on the weather. I really do think at the core of it all is the wish that humanity as a species would just go extinct.

Because there are multiple constituencies for whom the global warming movement provides psychological, emotional, and/or political gains.

For an overview of the various groups, and the gains which motivate them, see the presentation "Global warming cracked open", by Dr. Drapela.

For an overview of the problems with the (non) science behind the movement, see "The skeptic's case", by Dr. David Evans.

For an overview of the dysfunctional nature of the movement when seen from the inside, see "Climate science: Is it currently designed to answer questions", by Dr. Richard Lindzen.

The North Pole is now a lake.

Yes, global climate change is a big deal.

Those who say its not are either ignorant of the situation or just plain stupid.

Global warming is a big deal.

Polar melting will cause sea levels to rise, displacing millions.Also displaces wildlife.

Convection currents could be slowed or stopped causing oceans to stagnate and grow algae and bacteria which would kill the fish, a significant food source.

Heat is the energy that fuels storms like hurricanes. Increased heat will lead to greater intensity of the storms.

Many fertile agricultural area could be turned into deserts.This would lead to famine and starvation.

Climate change that affects the quality of human life is a big deal regardless of whether it is natural or anthropogenic.

yes for the today's context its really a very great deal..day to day Global warming is increasing.If it goes on same ratio the world will ruin soon ani it will be very hard to sustain the life.

Would it be a big deal if you had no food to eat?

Would it be a big deal if you had no water to drink?

Would it be a big deal if your house was under water?

If you say "no" to all those questions, then no, it is not a big deal.

No but its the only way for the wealth distribution scam . Scare tactics

"The North Pole is now a lake."

Please see: http://arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/...

and: http://www.thegwpf.org/arctic-ice-reboun...

Discuss: "Those who say its not are either ignorant of the situation or just plain stupid."

I don't think it's a dig deal because ever since the beginning of the earth the climate has always changed! during the ice age north America was covered in glaciers now it's not.

Why are people making such a big deal about it!?

What are your opinions on global warming? :)