> Global warming, ozone depletion and air pollution?

Global warming, ozone depletion and air pollution?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
GW triggered by burning of fossil fuels since start of industrial revolution

pollution should be obvious

Ozone depletion was from CFCs aerosols and refrigerants primarily

You're kidding right Now you can google these things and write your report

It is not our job to do it for you

Ok I know alot about all of these issues. I am not doing your homework for you but I will tell you where to start.

Ozone depletion: CFCs and NOx gases deplete ozone in the following manner

NO + O3 -> NO2 + O2

NO2 + O -> NO + O2

This happens in the atmosphere.

NOx gases can cause photochemical smog(look that up)

Global warming gases are mainly CO2 and CH4.

fluoride that is added to our water supply is toxic waste from the fertilizer industry

. Gypsum Stacks & ‘Slime Ponds’

Fluoride-contaminated wastewater sitting on top of "gypsum stack."

Fluoride-contaminated wastewater sitting on top of “gypsum stack.”To make 1 pound of commercial fertilizer, the phosphate industry creates 5 pounds of contaminated phosphogypsum slurry (calcium sulfate). This slurry is piped from the processing facilities up into the acidic wastewater ponds that sit atop the mountainous waste piles known as gypsum stacks.

According to the EPA, 32 million tons of new gypsum waste is created each year by the phosphate industry in Central Florida alone. (Central Florida is the heart of the US phosphate industry). The EPA estimates that the current stockpile of waste in Central Florida’s gypsum stacks has reached “nearly 1 billion metric tons.” (The average gypsum stack takes up about 135 acres of surface area – equal to about 100 football fields – and can go as high as 200 feet.)

9. Radiation Hazard

It is sort of a misnomer, however, to call these stacks “gypsum” stacks. Indeed, if the stacks were simply gypsum, they probably wouldn’t exist, as gypsum can be readily sold for various purposes (e.g. as a building material). What can’t be readily sold, however, is radioactive gypsum, which is about the only type of gypsum the phosphate industry has to offer.

The source of the gypsum’s radioactivity is the presence of uranium, and uranium’s various decay products (i.e. radium), in raw, phosphate ore. As noted by the Sarasota Herald Tribune

“there is a natural and unavoidable connection between phosphate mining and radioactive material. It is because phosphate and uranium were laid down at the same time and in the same place by the same geological processes millions of years ago. They go together. Mine phosphate, you get uranium.”

I am doing my best to educate people on the dangers of fluoridated water it is an uphill battle as most want fluoride in water believing that it prevents tooth decay. Fluoride has been banned in Europe and dental health there is as good as and in some cases better than the US. Fluoride causes many health problems "fluoride toxicity" is it reasonable to medicate a whole population without a prescription for a non life threatening condition especially for some of us who have fluoride toxicity it is life threatening

Fire your teacher.

We put out forest fires. (less pollution.) The sun warms the earth, the ozone does its own thing.

Leave school before you become a propaganda addled dependent of the state.

Global Warming is NOT caused by humans.

Watch this:

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Population reduction. Every person requires tons of support animals, plants, machinery, and power for same.

You can make up the other 300+ from that.

Human activities have led to an increase in air pollution, global warming and ozone depletion. Discuss the causes and the effects of these problems and suggest measures which could be taken to reduce them.

pls giive me around 350 word answer thx :)