> Do you think you could change the world?

Do you think you could change the world?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Me? I think I wouldn't be able to.

I think you are looking at this incorrectly. Everything we do affects everything else. Like a pebble thrown into a lake, the ripples affect across the entire lake. So the question is not whether you will change the world, but what your impact on the world will be. Try to make it a positive one.

Highly improbable. The earth is over 1.2 quadrillion times the size of all humans put together in weight and humans only take up the space equivalent to 28% of 1 cubic mile. We may be able to move a tiny fraction of it (as we have already), but we really can't do much to affect it. What is 1/7,000,000,000ths of 1.2 quadrillion? The answer to that question is what 1 human is compared to the whole Planet.

You might be able to change the human psyche in how we think, but physically altering the Planet is highly improbable if not impossible.

You're changing the world just by being here.

It's up to you now whether you let that change be for the better or worse

Yes,I can change the world but not alone I need the support of other persons but I can do the best of mine to change the world and convert it to clean and green world.

We can change the world, re-arrange the world. It's dying ... to get better

I would work on my own outlooks and mindset. This way if you succeed you see the world better. You can't modify things out there before promoting your own internal world.

Everyone had the capacity to change the world,, but the thing that matters is strong determination and constant efforts...

everything you do has a effect. the effect may not be too large or clear bur i think it does effect your world!! so everything you do effects the world.

i think you an change this world if you try to and with positive will..

every indivisual has specific role to change the world either it may be positive or negative.

If everybody should be attentive their responsibilities then I should change the world.

Me? I think I wouldn't be able to.


yes if any one do the things that are globally truth then it is.

Yes i would try.

Why should I ?
