> Where will people tell their kids that 'Santa' lives, in say 50 years?

Where will people tell their kids that 'Santa' lives, in say 50 years?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Were that reality gets even close to this story.

Have any empirical data to support this?

I'm sure if someone could make reindeer fly and deliver parcels to everyone in the world, where Santa is actually known, in one night (although in large parts he is not) then I'm sure he can knock together a house boat, given the stature of most of his helpers cabins can be quite small.

I tend not to bother will Jim z anymore, the best evidence he is not the scientist he claims to be, is to simple let him speak, he has little understanding of science and constantly proves it all by himself.

I find this quote from him particularly funny

"Believe it or not, everything you read on the internet isn't true." (words a denier should really think about). Given deniers usual source of info are internet blogs and in fact without blogs they pretty much have nothing, but you won't get the pretend scientist admitting that, any more than you will have him post an actual scientific link.

This has pictures so he may find it easier to understand.


I'm sure his reply, if he even tries one, will be some unrelated political rant about communists or something similar, going back over years he has continually avoided science while claiming to be a scientist, as many past repliers here have shown Dana, Trevor and myself have picked him up many times on mistakes that no scientist worth his salt would make. His response is always insults and hostility but never an attempt to correct his mistake again not something a real scientists would ever let go. A real scientist would respond with facts and data to prove his point, Jim has none.

Over to you, Jim, prove me wrong, get sciency.

P.S. I won't hold my breath !

Then of course we have Ian's rather empty rhetoric,

"I can get you links that say the Arctic will be ice free by the year 2000, 2013, 2016, 2020, 2030, 2040, 2050, 2060, 2070, 2080, 2090 or by 2100"

and years like 2013 will be straight from denier blogs or based on a one off statement of an individual, several are even manufactured by deniers by editing news reports and leaving out parts of the story, something they seem to do quite often, the 2013 date is an example of that it is based on a news story with a scientist from the NSIDC who was talking about about 2030 as the period when the Arctic could be ice free in Summer. In the original before denier edited it, he makes an off the cuff comment about an office bet for 2013 (a joke), so obviously a joke that denier removed the comment in the version they put on their many blogs. NSIDC still have 2030 as the estimate for an ice free in Summer Arctic. That is an estimate that the real world data supports.


Ian also (intentionally I think) puts his list in ascending order when in fact it's the other way round the 2100 was the first estimate using models, the number has continually shrunk because sea ice in the real world has been melting faster than those models projected, now only a denier could glean from that, AGW is not happening.

You're extrapolating data aren't you. Seems like they are having some problems predicting ice extent with the Antarctic, so what make us so sure they know what it will be 50 years from now.

But what to tell if it does disappear for x amount of time per year?

I da know...how about the south pole, I'm sure we can get Coke to replace those poor doomed Polar Bears with penguins in those classic adds.

How about east Egypt or Gotham City or any other made up place?

Personnally, I would say "Son, Santa and all of his elves will have to figure this out, but keep in mind they are still on Florida this time of year. They head back on their ark when the ice comes back and they bring the polar bears with them"

The earth has been cooling for over a decade now, while the level of CO2 has risen during the same time.

You still believe in AGW, Santa Clause and the North Pole being Santa's home. H-m-m-m. And you have no respect for a true scientist.

Why would you lie to your innocent child? Don't children deserve the truth? Of course this shows that you have no respect for the truth that is why you believe in AGW. The insane asylums are full of people like you.

Psst! They have satellite pictures of the North Pole and there is no Santa. Ha! Ha!

If Santa can fly around the world, it should not be difficult for him to fly from the North Pole to the South Pole each April, and back again each October. This sort of commute is not more difficult to believe than Al Gore time traveling in Elvis's UFO from Rothschilds' holographic secret hollow moon base http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;... to impersonate Svante Arrhenius. Older school kids will be any busy reading classics such as "Rains of Kilimanjaro" and learning about the water taxis of Wall Street, and famous natural heritage sites such as Glacial National Park.

Edit: No, Virginia, abiotic oil fantasizer JimZ here is NOT a scientist (see his thousands of past anti-science posts).

Awwww, I started crying after I read this. Poor Santa.

@Jeff E... I can get you links that say the Arctic will be ice free by the year 2000, 2013, 2016, 2020, 2030, 2040, 2050, 2060, 2070, 2080, 2090 or by 2100.... take your pick. Predicting something is considered as "evidence" by alarmists.

In 50 years time Santa will live.

Troll - we know that liberals don't believe in Santa the government will provide us with everything we need or want. You should get this scene added to Earth 2100.

<<<(and it took me the whole of about 15 seconds with this thing called "google"). Search "arctic ice melt data" and you will see a plethora of information to back my claim.>>>

That kind of reminds me of the commercial I have seen where the bimbo girl believes everything she sees on the internet and then at the end walks off with this total loser who called himself a French model, Bonjour. Believe it or not, everything you read on the internet isn't true.

Note: As a scientist, I don't have to try to learn what "scientists" believe. You believe because of your political bent or because you are easily persuaded by what you see in the mainstream media (ABC. NBC, CBS, NYT, etc) and haven't learned enough yet to understand how ridiculously biased they are.

Under the sea, in an octopus' garden.

Kid: Daddy, Where does Santa live?

Dad: At the north pole

Kid: In a boat?

Dad: uhhhh....ummm.... he has an underwater workshop, and uhhhh... rudolph and the other reindeer... err, I mean, christmas seals.... pull his magic submarine around the oceans.

Kid: Thanks Dad!

Dad: (They really should change the story to the "south pole")