> Ways to begin air pollution.?

Ways to begin air pollution.?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Plan another Climate Conference that thousands of climate 'scientists' can attend via passenger jets to luxury resorts.....to discuss how WE....NOT THEY....should be more prudent with our use of fossil fuels.

Between the jet exhaust, resort air conditioning and vehicles for ground transportation.....that should give "air pollution" a tasty snack.

Air pollution begin due to vehicles and also there are some factories that produce huge amount of smok that pollute the air badly and makes air polluted.due to different types of vehicles air pollution begin in environment.

More used more old vehicles an open unlimited factories in every where.

Every time a greenie talks, he or she is polluting.

Driving cars, airplanes, releasing out the chemicals out of cigs, etc.

burning fo carbon

lol xD wtfo...who wants to suffer from pulltion??/

Burn some car tires in your backyard, that should do it.

automobile and industries

i'm sorry? didn't get you there.