> Is it true that the ObamaCare programmers used to be climate model programmers?

Is it true that the ObamaCare programmers used to be climate model programmers?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Don't really know, but the marketing strategy is almost identical. Simply produce a useless product without validity but fulfills the demand. It keeps the lawyers, corporations and government agency's in business while bankrupting the public.

Nah, climate model programmers do not do much validation, but they produce final results that can be evaluated. The flaw for them is in the science they are implementing.

For ObamaCare programmers, a successful system would yield more people realizing how much more in premiums they are expected to pay. Having a system that stays in shutdown mode is an advantage.

Well, they were both government programmers.

ESPN has a website where there are 30 million Fantasy Football teams. Each team is connected to a league. The game results are fed to all these teams. Owners log on and manage their teams and they all get on an hour before game time on Sunday.

The site never blinks.

There are hundreds of other websites in the private sector running smoothly and they are handling just as much traffic and data as the Obamacare site.

NO= 2 different items. Obamacare is a death throw for American citizens and are suppose to pay for muslims in our country, whereas climate models are only fake facts. Global Warming ended 11/28/2012. Mike

That's what happens when Government tries to micromanage so many macro issues at once. There are 2 other major problems with Obamacare that haven't even come to the surface. They'll be tripping over their own red tape for years to come just like Global climate science has been doing for years.

Should I call it micro-Governing macro issues?

As far as ad homs are concerned, this one is very efficient. You can use it to win your fellow denailists against ObamaCare and your fellow supporters of letting people who can't afford decent health care die to spend more money on gas than they do on their mortgages and to have accidents in their pants every time the toilets back up in nuclear power plants.

No , a vast amount of them came from the Green field that failed , who would have thought they came from some were that made it .

Yep, and they are killing old people and stuffing them in their basements, and they're commies, and they're homos, and they're fascists, and they're nazis, and they support the black panthers, and they support the KKK, and they kick puppies.

Keep your conspiracy claptrap to yourself and take your meds