> Why don't enough people take global warming seriously?

Why don't enough people take global warming seriously?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I'll give the proper answer when I'm at home and have my links handy, but, short version?

People don't understand science very well, and people would rather believe a comfortable lie than an unpleasant truth.


and here's the promised proper answer.

1. Confirmation bias, and similar brain tricks. Our minds tend to reject "unfriendly" information, however valid; http://m.motherjones.com/politics/2011/0... discusses the matter at length.

2. Lack of scientific understanding. Climate science is kind of complex, and some aspects of it aren't very intuitive ("How can it be snowing, if there's global warming?" and so on). Some people disbelieve what they don't understand. (there's something of the same problem with evolution)

3. Flat-out lying, or at least trusting a lying source. I suspect at least some people who deny global warming are skewing (or even blatantly faking) information because reality does not match their political biases, and/or because they are trying to protect some income source or the like that could be threatened by action to stop AGW.

We should take care of our environment so our living standards are the best they can be...but global warming? Yes, we MAY be accelerating it but it is my belief that it's happening anyway whatever we do as a human race. Science has shown that the whole world has been through warming and cooling periods without any influence of man at all. There's nothing we can do about it.

Because it's a SCAM !!

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Because we have repeatedly been lied to by the leaders of that movement. Phil Jones and East Anglia have been caught corruptioning temperature measurements. We will never get that information back. When leaders of a movement take it upon themselves to corrupt data, then why should we take what they say seriously?

James Hansen went before the US Congress and lied. They even went so far as to turn the air conditioning off to convince the legislatures of AGW. They may laugh about it now, but it shows their scientific integrity is lacking.

You want to follow known liars, well go ahead, but leave us intelligent people out. We are sick of the AGW proponents' deceptions. They have no place in real science.

Then you have people who say, "3. Flat-out lying, or at least trusting a lying source." They ignore the fact that their side has been caught many many times lying. James Hansen, Al Gore, Michael Mann, Paul Erhlich, and Phil Jones, just to name a few. They are like an alcoholic who in his stupor thinks everyone else is an alcoholic because they looked at a bottle of whiskey.

Plus the fact that they can't give specific examples of lying on our side of the issue.

It is quite simple, because it is not happening, we have been warned of disasters that will happen (the UN said there will be 50million climate refugees by the year 2010) that crops will fail and millions die of starvation, islands will be drowned, the Arctic will be ice free by the summer of 2013.

There have been many enormous changes in my 67yr lifetime. television, cell phones, personal computers, ATM machines, advances in medicine, men going to the moon, but the climate now, is much the same now, as it was when I was a child.

You have not met my science teacher.

My mom thinks global warming is bs mabey its just a warm period

They do take it seriously. That's why they conclude it is not a big problem. Those who do not take it seriously end up concluding that it is a big danger.

If you look at the data it has all happened before without any help from man.

Why is this time any different?


Ignorance and self soothing

Their lazy. They don't want to work to change things. They deny it... ignorance is bliss.

it won't affect their generation