> In such a dangerous and pesimistic future, is it still worth it having children?

In such a dangerous and pesimistic future, is it still worth it having children?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If you don't have children then the population will decline, and you will end up having a majority Muslim population. This is already happening in UK, France, and especially Russia, where they are resorting to bribes for Russians to have kids. France is filled with officially published no-go areas where they recommend non-Muslims stay away, and even the police stay out. Now Muslim countries tend to have very high per-capita CO2 emissions, but that is because those are the countries where the oil is. It is possible that having people adopt a sharia Muslim lifestyle would leas to less CO2 emissions, perhaps substantially less.

Thoughout the history of mankind, people have faced tremendous adversity and still had children. Perhaps at one time people had less choice in the matter, but it's only recently we've had a world where most people do not have to struggle to survive. While there are problems both extant and looming on the horizon, there are also opportunities to improve the situation.

I think if it's someone's desire to have children, they should. I do think people should exert some responsibility and restraint in the number they have, though. The government should de-incentivize child-bearing by reducing the tax deduction for children. It could stay the same as it is for one child, be cut to half-size for the second child, and be eliminated altogether for more than that.

The powers that be have to scare you. Otherwise they could not get you to vote for them.

Quotes by H.L. Mencken, famous columnist: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed ― and hence clamorous to be led to safety ― by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." And, "The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false face for the urge to rule it."

I would be more worried about the monetary system collapsing, having more of an effect on you and your children. That is something man can definitely control but our nations' debts are rising faster than CO2. But pay no attention to that. Rather pay attention to the level of CO2. Ha! Ha! These con artists are so visible, yet they scare a lot of people.

I am a scientist and I don't share your apocalyptic view of the future. You are being fed fictions, apocalyptic fictions that have been fed to people since long before the time of the bible. It is probably in human nature. Those predictions of gloom and doom and running out of this and that have always proved wrong so I have history on my side when I say this time isn't going to be any different.

There is a saying, those who don't have enough to eat have one problem. Those who have plenty to eat have lots of problems. We have so much that we seem to have so much time on our hands to worry about everything under the sun. Time is too short to spend it worrying and trying to predict the future. I sure wouldn't waste my time listening to people that don't even have a good handle on history and they sure don't know about science.

you could also think that one of the children you have will be the genius or great leader that the future world needs. That pessimistic future will need great people to sole those problems.

Hmmm....I heard people ask the same question stating the same reasons back in 1966. Are you sure you didn't copy this from a fifty year old article somewhere?

Please stop listening to alarmists regarding end of the world predictions. They are no better than any other of the ass clowns who have predicted the end of the world over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

Yes, there is no reason not to have children, they are the future

For liberals and leftists and people who otherwise beleive this stuff? No. its not. Stop breeding!!!

For all others, if you enjoy life and want to live and experience a full life full of love, tehn YES!

yes, liberals shouldn't have kids

In the future, not many things are certain except for a few. Taxes are one, yet other certainties include oil reserve depletion, resource depletion, food scarcity and water insecurity as a result of a growing population(emergence of developing economies, competing for limited jobs), climate change, desertification. In such a bleak world, is it still worth it having children when it is liekly things will get mor difficult as the oil age comes to a stop and climate change, overdevelopment start to effect the earth. Scienstist agree the likelyhood of these events are great I mean, wouldnt not having children be the best way to reduce my carbon footprint and mantain my lifestyle. Also we are seeing now with the US what happens with emerging economies sujch as china and india become competitive, we lose jobs and the middleclass collapses.

If sensible people have no kids, deniers will take over.