> What gets more attention? "We need to pay more to reduce global warming?

What gets more attention? "We need to pay more to reduce global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The reaction depends on the age of the respondent. I had a 2 hour talk last weekend with my 78 year old Godfather, He was quite concerned about what sort of world will be left for his 15 grandchildren. Another 90 year old I know was a prominent medical researcher, but is now primarily concerned with inter-generational transfer. Another shareholder of my company (80 years old) was more interested in the good to future generations (results from our grain research will feed 12 million in 2015) than news the stock is worth more. All three made millions in their business careers only to find money has less and less value as they got older. To the elderly, a few dollars more are meaningless (they won't take it with them), but the fate of their grandchildren is everything. Society can learn from the wisdom of its elders.


I have proposed a method of CO2 reduction that would get the US to nearly no CO2 emissions in 30 years with no new taxes.

YES it uses that evil evil nuclear power. That nuclear power that is SO DANGEROUS that 0, zero Zilch NADA people have died form it in the US, EVEN THOUGH 19% of our power comes from nuclear.

Dook proposes raising gas by $3 a gallon, WHICH WOULD ONLY ADDRESS GAS. That's $1500 per car per year. And all that will do is lower the amount of gas used. Then they would have to tax electricity higher. What increase would that cause? $2000 per year in energy bills for the average person??? You think the average middle class person has $3500 lying around?

The proposed solutions are to the tune of TRILLIONS.

As far as our grandchildren. I am MORE afraid of leaving them a taxation government. IF you would study history you would have seen a pattern. A pattern that is found throughout history. The government gets too big and too burdensome on the people and then war. Look up the Chinese dynasties and their philosophy on governance.

You are talking about something that MAY be a problem with solutions that WILL be a problem.

D/dx talks about the wisdom of old millionaires not caring about money. PULLLEASE. They did not get their millions not caring about money. Beyond that, I am talking about people trying to make ends meet, get their kids to college, etc. It is fine for old men to pontificate. NONE OF THAT CHANGES THE FACTS. The facts are that you all are proposing trillion dollar regressive tax non-solutions for a problem that is being so grossly exaggerated as to have people not even thinking straight.

What gets more attention is immaterial. What is the truth is material. What is truly best for mankind in general is important.

To a liberal, the solution to a problem is to raise awareness.

To a human the solution is find the root cause and correct it.

As screwy formula (d/dx+d/dy+d/dz) points out these rich men are now worried about their grandchildren's future. Where was their concern when they cast their ballots for those creepy politicians that have already spent their great great grandchildren's money? As to their getting rich it only shows that they were in a position of higher influence than us normal people. What did they do to make the world a better place for humans during their lifetime? This world has gone to pot on their watch. Now that they got theirs on the backs of all of us peons, they can afford the luxury to sit back and say, "I'm worried." Many of these get rich men stood silently by while hucksters and frauds raided and demolished out technology in the name of saving the earth. Where are these men when Al Gore says that the automobile is ruining the earth? Where were these men when they needlessly banned DDT resulting in millions being killed off by malaria each year?

We need not worry about the environment. As every true scientist knows, man can do very little there but the out of control governments are the real threat!

Thats a typical alarmist statement, to try and convince on an emotional level, I have no objection to paying more, as long as they can convince me there will be benefits.

First they have to convince me warming would be bad,

Second that paying more will actually prevent warming.

No gut or emotional feelings nearly always lead to mistakes, while level headed rational thinking has the most success.

They don't need a reason to raise your taxes and they still will. Nothing you can do about that.

Government probably feel like charging people even more. Money hungry.

depends on the person you are. some do care for future generations more than profits today.

because if we do, it will benefit our grandchildren?"

Or, "They're just trying to find another reason to raise our taxes and waste our money?"

Which gets the more effective gut reaction?

If one or the other gets a stronger gut reaction, does that mean that it's true?