> Is Yahoo Answers a "discussion forum" where everyone should be allowed to post whatever he/she likes, true or

Is Yahoo Answers a "discussion forum" where everyone should be allowed to post whatever he/she likes, true or

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
...is it is something different than that

quote on quote: "Chatting or otherwise violating the question-and-answer format.

Yahoo Answers is a community of questions and answers, not a chat room. If a post is neither a question nor an answer, it doesn't belong here. If you prefer to have discussions or chat with others, please use one of Yahoo's other community services, such as Yahoo Groups."

So in other words, no.

Yahoo answers is for questions and answers that people have and can share. It's NOT a chat room

I do have some issues with YA guidelines. On one hand, they post such controversial threads as Politics, Religion and Spirituality, and Global Warming, and don't require any expertise from their responders, and yet have rules against "Ranting" and "Chatting." If YA doesn't like controversy, it should scrap such topics as Politics and R & S, and only allow experts to answer questions in Biology (like about evolution) and in Global warming.

To answer your question, which is posted in the wrong category, Yahoo! Answers is a terrible place to get information on any subjects. Freedom of speech implies a few good answers are drops in an abundant flow of terrible answers, pretty bad answers, troll answers, disinformation...the list goes on and on. This category is especially bad place to learn anything, and anyone that has taken freshman physics can see how obviously bad it is, but at least most of the activists link to reputable sources such as edu.com or NASA instead of WUWT.

Welllllllllll, on a scale of 1-10, the level of discussion is in the order of "i".

That said, clearly I'd like a monitor that I approved of.

I rather think that Maxx would choose a different monitor.

I'd like some science review of what's posted.

Some would like a political review of what's posted.

I think this is probably the .... least-worst, of what is possible.

It's a questions answers forum where the questions (and answers) must abide by the rules of Yahoo. If you don't like it, start your own forum with your own rules.

it is suppose to be a question and answer process but all people are aloud in the process... even the dumb ones. kinda like free speech.

...is it is something different than that