> Are summertimes at the North Pole cooling?

Are summertimes at the North Pole cooling?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Three of the last five Arctic summers have been the coldest on record.

Will we see a rising Arctic sea ice trend over the next 10 years?


Not necessarily. Ice mass is not only temperature related, but there are other variables, such as precipitation and ocean currents. Climatologists, like Trevor, should know this. Although he got fooled by Kilimanjaro. You would think they would learn by now.

Maybe Santa Claus won't have to move after all. I would really hate to see all those reindeer displaced.

Trevor: The same old stall game. I have gone back and copied and pasted your exact words. That takes time. Did I get any respect for that? No. Instead you called me a liar. (Which is against Y!A rules. But you are on a 'special care list' and can get by with that.) You said it and now stand up to what you said. You said Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck were on the list at petition project. They weren't and I took time out of my life to prove it. You called me a liar.I had the proof and you called me a liar. I took the time yet you called me a liar. Don't you see something wrong there, on your part, or did they educate you to be that deliberately deceptive? If you were honest, you would at least apologize for that Mickey Mouse fiasco. You were caught three times on one question.

Cooling Poles – Top 3 Coldest Arctic Summers Will Have All Occurred In Past 5 Years

The Arctic, we are told, is the canary in the climate coal mine. No place on the planet is supposed to warm faster. As global warming takes hold, we are really supposed to see it at the Earth’s poles. If that’s true, then we should really be opening up our minds to the real possibility of a cooling planet because summertimes at the North Pole are cooling.

Arctic summers can be examined going back to 1958 using data from the Danish Meteorological Institute here. It turns out the 3 coldest Arctic summers have all occurred in the last 5 years. Not even the summers of the 1960s were colder. 2013 still has about three weeks to go, yet the forecasts show that it’s place in the record books is pretty much secured.

So why has Arctic sea ice extent reached record lows over the past 5 years, we might ask? Sea ice melt involves a lot more than just surface atmospheric temperature. Historical records show that a major force is ocean cycles. From 1980 to 2000, both the AMO and PDO saw warm phases, and so the Arctic ice melt was likely caused by the warmer surface sea water. But now that the PDO has flipped to its cool phase and the AMO is transitioning to its cool phase, we can expect the Arctic to begin its recovery over the next 2 decades – just like it did during the 1950s and 60s. There’s likely a decade or so lag between Arctic surface temperatures and sea ice coverage.

I’d bet a good bottle of Scotch that we’ll be seeing a rising Arctic sea ice trend over the next 10 years.

Finally, not only the North Pole is chilling out, but so is the South Pole, which has been setting record highs for sea ice extent. See here.

Chicago is in the mid 60s today and its summer. This cant be normal the past summers here have had lows in the 60s but rare are the highs in the 60s. It is supposed to be around 80.

The north pole might be experiencing a cooling phase.

Somebody else made an assertion like this, but as you have, they gave no evidence for it. Just what proof do you have of your claim about them being the "coldest on record"?

What you have in your link is NOT a plot of data, it is an analysis based on numerical weather prediction model output, so using that as validation of cooling without some independent verification is dubious, at best.

Perhaps more important than that, the particular model output that you're using only goes back to 2010! Look at the record earlier than that and the spectral resolution of the model is different-so you're not even comparing the same MODELS!

So, since you've produced no real evidence for your claim, and the arctic ice is on a declining trend, I would not expect a rising sea ice trend.

I'm curious as to what denier blog is making this claim. I'm guessing C3, since their track record is atrocious.

For the benefit of the skeptics/deniers:

? Three of the last five summers have been colder than the long-term average.

For the benefit of those who want to know why and who prefer things into context:

? In recent years Arctic weather patterns have gone into reverse on nine occasions, this causes a redistribution of heat within the Arctic. It can cause colder summers and warmer winters, it can also warm the places that are normally very cold and cool the places that are usually milder.


? Five years is too short a period of time to determine anything in respect of the climate.

? The data you linked to represents just a fraction of the Arctic.

? The data are not observations, they are data assimilation analyses.


? The observed rate of temperature increase over the Arctic is 0.4°C per decade, the fastest rising temperatures anywhere in the world.


? Arctic sea-ice is declining rapidly, all indications are that it will continue.


? Today the Arctic sea-ice is at the 6th lowest extent ever known for this time of year.


? The 10 years with the record lowest known Arctic sea-ice extent are all of the last 10 years, no exceptions.


More info about the Arctic / Antarctic:




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Yet more baseless comments and yet again reality is your undoing. Where have I ever, at any point, in any manner, even so much as intimated that the snows on Kilimanjaro have melted solely because of global warming. In the real world that has never happened, it exists only inside your mind. That part is worth repeating – it exists only inside your mind. And that’s the reason why I know for a fact that you can’t provide a single link to anything that backs up your deluded claim.

Each time I challenge you to provide evidence to back up your claim you fail to provide anything. Instead you make immature comments such as “Yes you did in answer to a question”. If that were the case you would be able to provide a link. I’ll even help you out – here’s a list of every question on Answers that mentions Kilimanjaro and my name, please go ahead and waste your time searching for non existent evidence:


PS – You’ll be pleased to know that you and Kano are frontrunners should the asker choose a BA.

Its unusual and surprising, but with the Arctic its difficult to say, there are so many factors at play, ocean currents, winds, the AO and AMO, and yes Arctic ice tends to cycle and I expect it to return to normal, but I thought it wouldn't happen until the Atlantic multi-decadal oscillation turned to a negative phase which is not for a few years yet.

With Antarctic ice growing, the Pacific decadal oscillation in negative phase, the solar sunspot cycle in serious decline, the AMO due to turn negative in a few years time, I think our climate is set for some worrying cooling soon.

Based on the satellite record, the last five summers have been warmer, not colder. Facts matter.

Climate change deniers are always liars. There is no exception; it is proved again.

Here is the actual satellite record, for those who embrace truth.


Parts of the USA are having a mild summer as oppossed to last 2 hot Julys .

As for the little pond of melted ice it will freeze up again and be black ice slick .

Best we get the black paint and tarmac out again to coat the ice to warm the world again.

The atheist scientists think that the North Pole is melting and we will all drown. This is not true. That is because there are no mentions of Prophet Muhammad talking about CO2 levels or melting Ice Caps. So drop the silly global warming hoax and get on with life.

Three of the last five Arctic summers have been the coldest on record.

Will we see a rising Arctic sea ice trend over the next 10 years?
