> Are the Trusted Members of the Yahoo Community, who spend their lives vaporizing other people's answers, also contro

Are the Trusted Members of the Yahoo Community, who spend their lives vaporizing other people's answers, also contro

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Probably. Too bad Weird Al's hat doesn't protect answers

what do you have against conservatives? Are going to judge the many by the actions of the idiotic few? If that's the case, then don't be surprised when you lizards get the same treatment.

To be truthful your answer sounds quite delusional. Virtually all the science proves climate change is happening and it is mostly caused my human activity.


You need psychiatric help. You have lost touch with reality.

Yes. They have proven it. They also have an abnormal liking of avocados.

Have they let you out perminantly,or just for the weekend

Hahah! That was good.

Q: What reason would scientists have to perpetuate a hoax that human activity is changing Earth's climate? What would they have to gain?

Vaporized Answer: The NASA and Nobel Prize winning scientists serve their puppet masters, the Marxist Babylonian Freemason Reptilians who control peer-reviewed science journals through the 5th dimension, who faked the moon landings and Obama's birth certificate, and who melt glaciers, using holographic carbon tax death rays from their Hollow Moon hideout, as part of their conspiracy for world domination, which is led by Al Gore's snow shoveling beach mansion and UN White Trucks