> Was the snowfall falling in Chicago on Halloween night caused by "Global Warming"?

Was the snowfall falling in Chicago on Halloween night caused by "Global Warming"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Remember when all the global warming "scientists" were telling us back in the year 2000 that our children wouldn't know what snow was in 10 years, that snow would be a rare occurrence? Makes you wonder if they're right about anything.....

Yes, global warming is the cause of everything.

Yes, global warming is the cause of everything.

Yes, global warming is the cause of everything.

Yes, global warming is the cause of everything.

Normally you would say it is weather, but when you get a string of cold weather years, it is time to wonder if the climate is changing, looks more like global cooling to me.

Put an ice cube in a glass of water, the water does not get colder because the ice is cold, it gets cold because the ice is melting and it takes about 350 times as much energy to melt ice as it does to change it's temperature by 1 degree. The ice caps are melting which is making it colder in the short term, once they are gone we will feel the full effects of global warming.

how much potable water does 40 pieces of silver buy ?

how much potable water does 40 pieces of silver buy ?

how much potable water does 40 pieces of silver buy ?

I don't think so. The god of Halloween must be very happy!

Considering that you have stated multiple times that "your god has his hand on the thermostat" the snow falling in Chicago on Halloween night would have to have been caused by your god. Maybe he disapproves of children and adults having fun on what was once a pagan festival [1] or maybe your buddies [2] prayed for a whiter world?

Quotes by Sagebrush (who frequently quotes Nazi's to further his cause)

"Execute all those who voted for OBAMA",

"Sustainability is a codeword for communism",

"Hire the handicapped, they are fun to watch",

"Justice and equality are codewords for communism",

"God has his hand on the thermostat".


but last year's winter had record low temps because the Warming had caused record high temps in Alaska, pushing arctic temps down on N America.

Erratic weather, just as climate scientists predicted

how much potable water does 40 pieces of silver buy ?

It's caused by weather? ever hear of that theory?

yes the cold weather is due to global warming????

colder seas due to polar cap melt means, colder, stronger, and changing sea flow patterns.

it also means more polar bears are drowning, and starving.

No. It is too early in the Autumn for Chicago to be to cold for much snow.

To a greenie anything can mean Global Warming.

Quote by Steven Guilbeault, Canadian environmental journalist and Greenpeace member: "Global warming can mean colder, it can mean drier, it can mean wetter."

When I lived there, Halloween was shirt sleeve weather. The greenies say it is warmer, and they are never wrong. Ha! Ha! Isn't it wonderful to live in fantasyland?

no it's just weather

Climate Change is a non falsifiable theory so no matter what happens alarmists will use it as proof of CAGW.
