> How do plants reduce global warming?

How do plants reduce global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
i just need a textbook answer, thats all. i will give you 'best answer' if you write it a little bit long.

Thank You.

Plants consume Carbon Dioxide which is the major cause of Gobal warming present in the air. Plants reduce Carbon Dioxide from air by consuming it & in back they will give out Oxygen.

1 - Plants absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere by locking the carbon (C) into their bodies and releasing the dioxide as oxygen (O2) into the atmosphere. As CO2 is a greenhouse gas, any reduction of CO2 will lessen the amount of global warming (GW).

2 - In some places, trees reflect more sunlight than bare soil or grass (whether plains or crops). More sunlight reflected = less GW.

So basically increasing the number of trees can reduce global warming :D

Because plants absorb CO2 and release O2 through photosynthesis, thus reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere which = less heat being trapped in the atmosphere.

Plants take in CO2 but give it back when they die and decompose or are eaten. There is no real net loss of CO2 in the atmosphere due to plants over a long period but it is kind of a bone that leftist alarmists have thrown to tree huggers IMO.

Theoretically, they reduce the CO2 in the world. Animals give off CO2 while taking in and using Oxygen. Plants do exactly the opposite. They take in CO2 and emit Oxygen. So plants reduce the level of CO2. That is why Al Gore can gain Carbon Credits. He says he plants trees. He also uses this excuse to offset his lavish CO2 generating lifestyle.

i just need a textbook answer, thats all. i will give you 'best answer' if you write it a little bit long.

Thank You.