> Are global warming and climate change the same thing?

Are global warming and climate change the same thing?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
As you can tell by the answers the first majority of answers, except for Dook who only pointed you to wikipedia, are grossly unscientific. Two of the three are well known evolution deniers as well and one of those two believe the Earth to be 6000 to 10,000 years old.

Global warming causes climate change. Climate change is a change in the climate. That includes all aspects of climate. global warming is the trend in increasing temperatures over a long period, usually 30 years or so as there is a lot of internal variability that may skew the data on the short term.

When I first heard about the problem it was described as the Greenhouse Effect. I heard a scientist being interviewed on the radio and he said this was going to be the next "big thing". Greenhouse gases would interfere with infra red radiation and it would cause a big problem. Would it stop the sun's infra red getting in, causing cooling, or the earth's infra red getting out, causing warming.

He was not sure. More research would be required.

Many years later, they had decided that it would be Global Warming. They had models that showed that Northern Europe would be a desert in the future. What did the model say that Northern Europe was like at the time? Well, it was a desert then, too.

More research would be required to get the initial conditions right.

Some years later, the possibility of cooling arose. Quick, change the name to Climate Change. Brilliant idea because the climate has always changed so no-one could argue against it whatever they thought about the science, This Climate Change was different though. It was caused by man. Man created CO2 that caused warming. So even though they claim that (man-made) Climate Change is not Global Warming, the only mechanism they have to create the change is man-made CO2 and warming.

OK, this is not working. Let's try Climate Disruption or Global Weirding. We can attribute any bad weather to it. No-one knows what the weather was like over 100 years ago in their own country. In foreign parts they don't know what the weather was like last week. So lots of scope to blame weather on man. Scientists don't agree to this, of course but they are happy to let people assume it. They make statements like: This weather event is "consistent with" Climate Change or a warmer ocean caused by Global Warming could possibly increase the effect of that event etc.

AN important thing to determine would be are the subjects Man-made Climate Change and Man-made Global Warming or Natural Climate Change and Natural Global Warming or Natural and Man-made combined.

(NB Man-made is sometimes called Anthropogenic when people try to sound educated.)

They are basically the same thing. However, climate change can involve any change in climate, including rainfall. Land use changes can change the climate for specific areas. Global warming means the overall increase in the planet's temperature as more heat is retained because of greenhouse gases, as well as from a natural warming that has been happening for centuries.

Ignore the denialist nonsense.

Global warming and climate change are not the same. Global warming is more specific than climate change. Climate change can be talking about decreasing temperatures, as happened during the last ice age, changes in precipitation or even some places warming and other places cooling. What is happening because of humans burning fossil fuels is climate change, more specifically, global warming, and more specific still, anthropogenic global warming.


Close, but not quite. Try Wikipedia.

Edit: Or take Jeff M's summary answer, and note in addition that climate change can be warming, cooling, getting drier, getting wetter, windier, etc., over any time scale longer than decades, whereas human-caused global warming means only increasing Global Average and Long Term (several decades) temperatures. In other words:

Global warming is always a form of climate change.

Climate change usually refers to human-caused global warming, but could also mean other kinds of change.

Global warming is long term, so a cold winter one year does not rule out a longer term uptrend in temperatures.

Early in GW science it was believed that GW would lead to both warming and severe weather which would include extreme cold and snow as well as blizzards in areas which normally don't get snow SO the term climate change was coined so lay people and deniers could comprehend that concept SO GW is one aspect of climate change

Both Global Warming and Climate Change are nothing to worry about. They are both being pushed by the United Nations AGENDA 21. If you want to learn anything that may save your life learn about AGENDA 21. Our plan it has froze over and melted. In canada you can check canada statistics online weather records and see that nothing is new about the weather. Go back to 1940 and go month by month you will see we have always had a variety of weather change. Be careful if you hear Green Initiative or Environmental Sustainability or iclee . If you hear any Green or Sustainability stuff watch your self. You are being taught a lie to lower your standard of living in the future and worse things. Dont let your teacher fool you. Check YouTube and the net for your self. Then teach others. Its so interesting and alarming it will scare you..

Yep, same scam.

But the Warmist don't want you to call it 'global warming' anymore because it's NOT warming. These people have been collecting train loads of money from taxpayers for over 30 years already, they will do all they can to keep those trains coming.

It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Erm Jeff, do YOU know how grossly unscientific it is to use people's beliefs on unconnected topics as some kind of proof that your own unscientific beliefs are somehow validated and correct.

Attacks of this nature just prove you have no valid evidence and you attempt to hide this fact behind such antics.

Some say yes. Some say no. The greenies don't know.

No one has bothered to legally or scientifically define AGW or ACC. So how would anyone know. It is easier to scare people with an intangible bogeyman than a tangible threat.

I'm doing a little talk on climate change in my health class and the teacher assigned different topics to everyone. Some people got global warming and others got climate change. What is the difference? As I research online, whenever climate change is talked about, it is always talking about the temperature rising, never decreasing.

So that is my other main question: Does climate change only refer to temperatures rising?