> Why are gases like co2 both important and dangerous in our climate?

Why are gases like co2 both important and dangerous in our climate?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Greenhouse gases affect the temperature of our environment. The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere over the past 12,000 years as been stable and that has created a global climate that has been very beneficial to the growth and spread of humanity. Without greenhouse gases the world would be too cold for life. With lower levels much of the earth is too cold for the growth of humanity, such as during the last ice age. Too much and the climate is too warm and too extreme in many places for humanity.

CO2 is instrumental to life. Too much and the near perfect conditions for humanity that have existed for 12,000 year change for the worse.

same reason gases like oxygen and water vapor are

C - Show the evidence of a runaway greenhouse event back when CO2 was more than triple what it is now. If what you say is true then the earth would have never had the previous several ice ages and life would have never flourished when CO2 levels were that high. Antarctica used to be a rain forest.

co2 is essential to our climate as well as bad. It is very vital in order for us to survive because if we don't give co2 then we wouldn't be able to get oxygen from plants. It is also bad because if we are giving more than enough co2 than the plants need, it may cause global warming meaning that the cold areas will melt or at some point disappear causing a gap in our ecology system.

kano...a doubling of CO2 will bring about a 2-3° rise and we would then be in runaway AGW

Excess CO2 is a pollutant which, aside from causing GW, also causes breathing difficulty in high concentrations

CO2 is important and only misfits who follow the insane Al Gore think it is dangerous.

CO^2 is actually not a pollutant it helps to retain the temperature of atmosphere and keep our earth warm without it life will not be possible on earth. but excess of CO^2 cause harm because it raises the temperature of the earth much which causes the sea level to rise due to melting of polar ice.it also has many other devastating effects.

Climate Realist gave a very good answer, except he forgot to mention that the warming effects of CO2 diminish with concentrations, that why they always talk about a doubling, a doubling of 280ppm to 560ppm will cause a rise of 1C, the next rise of 1C will be at 1200ppm.

CO2 is neccesary but not dangerous.

Besides being essential for photosynthesis, if there were no carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases like methane and nitrous oxide, Earth's surface would be frozen solid. Water vapor would not help because it would be frozen solid. But since these gases influence temperature, too much of these gases can cause Earth to become too warm.


Kano is almost certainly wrong about doubling carbon dioxide causing only 1C of warming. But 2-3C is not runaway warming. It would probably be serious, but not runaway.