> Is it going to be global warming or little ice age?

Is it going to be global warming or little ice age?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
This eminent Russian scientist says a little ice age will be starting soon.


Science tells (Vostok ice core samples) us that 330 million years ago the Global average temperature was around 20C and CO2 levels were around 300ppm and that 300 million years ago the Global average temperature was around 12C while CO2 levels were the same. Current Global average temperature is around 14.77C.

According to "evolutionary science" the Planet is 4.5 billion years old. It's hard to tell what is going to happen with temperatures in another 30 million years, but science will continue to mislead people with what controls Global average temperatures. CO2 levels were 4400ppm 450 million years ago (400ppm today) and the average temperature of the Planet was 12C. 60 million years ago Global average temperatures were at their highest at 26C when CO2 levels were around 800ppm.

Where and when is science going to mislead us next?

I highly doubt that recent (150 years) CO2 emissions are a "shock" to the Planet's ecosystem and will cause anything "catastrophic".

I remember in the 1970's there were a number of books published warning of an imminent ice age. Not being very good at maths, I didn't follow the detail of the theory. Now we have a complete volte face. Since researchers live for, and from grants, I wonder how many governments are dishing out money to researchers who might come up with anything that would contradict the agreed paradigm. It does give politicians the ability to levy new taxes upon the masses, whilst telling all that it is for the good of all. Reminds me of the old saw",the more that he talked of his honour, the faster we counted the spoons!"

Global warming is continuing, unabated. Small regions of the planet may see short periods of being cooler in the northern hemisphere, depending on how the AO performs and its impact on the jet stream. This will not be global, but regional. I base this on peer reviewed scientific studies that I have read, but even these studies cannot give a definitive answer. (examples - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.10... - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.10... - and http://barnes.atmos.colostate.edu/FILES/... ) How this all plays out in the future is still a bit unclear for we have not just entered into a new climate. We have entered into what is a continuously changing climate, until a point of equilibration can be attained. Until the amount of atmospheric level of CO2 becomes stable then the climate will continue to change with the rising CO2 levels. I repeat, we are not just see a changed climate now. We are seeing an ever changing climate now and for some time to come into the future. Should tipping points be reached before the CO2 levels have stabilized then there is no turning back, no matter our efforts to stop emitting CO2 into the atmosphere. As an example, what would it take to return the Arctic sea ice to pre-1979 levels and have it stabilize there with the current climate? The continued decline of Arctic sea ice has likely already lead to its tipping point and the exposed Arctic Ocean to summer heating is likely to lead to other tipping points. ... We shall see, but it ain't lookin' good for us.

' eminent" because of what?

we don't need to wait 10 years, CO2 is a prime driver now. At best a reduced solar output will only slow down the warming.

EDIT: Kano, astrophysics, not climate. Sorry, do you go to a dentist for heart surgery?

It is a global warming. That really needs to be think by all people.

Ice ages come and go in approximately 20,000 year cycles do to a wobble in the earth's rotation .The last glacial age ended around 11,500 years ago,

There is no ice age coming, little of otherwise. The planet is still warming. The next ice age will be in 20-20,000 years. Hold your breath

We are living on borrowed time with regard to the current interglacial, so I would bet on the latter.

And when it doesn't happen you'll conveniently forget all about him, as usual

Neither. God has his hand on the thermostat. I trust him.

This eminent Russian scientist says a little ice age will be starting soon.
