> If there is no penalty for taking $19 mil from Feds and faking AIDs vaccine, how many $ for fake climate chg?

If there is no penalty for taking $19 mil from Feds and faking AIDs vaccine, how many $ for fake climate chg?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
More like every study tries to throw in a mention of global warming to get grant money.

Reasons why this actually is a valid question to report

1. It not only violates YA guidelines, defamation is against the law.

2. Calling Obama and the U. S. "Marxist" is not only defamatory, it causes unnecessary pain to those who have suffered under Communism.

3. The implication that any global warming/climate change study that has results that the asker doesn't like are fraudulent is also defamatory.

4. The main justification for a reporting system is that YA wants to protect itself from being sued.

But since the question will probably survive being reported by me

Fraudulent is not just wrong, but intentionally wrong. If you suspect fraud, publish a study that refutes the study that you think is wrong. Then figure out if the fact the study was wrong was intentional. Not every error is intentional.

Gotta go and report your question.

From your link:

"According to government findings published this week in the Federal Register, the conclusion that components of the research were faked was based on an inquiry by the university and a "detailed admission" by Han. Researchers at another university confirmed samples "had been spiked," ISU spokesman John McCarroll told the Register. He resigned from ISU after admitting guilt in early October, the university said.

Dr. James Bradac, who oversees AIDS research for the National Institutes of Health, told the Ames Tribune it's the first time he's seen something like this in his 24 years at the federal agency.

"It's difficult to pull this off and it's difficult not to be detected," Bradac said. "This went on for several years and it wasn’t detected until January 2013."

Han agreed to exclude himself from any contracting or subcontracting work with any federal agency for three years, and to not serve in any "advisory capacity" to the U.S. Public Health Service, the Department of Health and Human Services said."

What this tells us is that Han has lost his career opportunities with ISU. How many other career opportunities were lost as well as a direct result of his falsifying the research? Who is going to be willing to hire him now? The Heartland Institute is likely the only job opportunity he now has in his field of study.

It also tells us that the checks and balances that are well established within the fields of science work. This tells us that it works. I only wish that the article would have been less ambiguous as to if Han's advisory capacity is limited to a 3 year penalty or if it is permanent. I would hope that it is permanent.

First, I truly hope you are not an American. Neither the United States nor Obama are Marxist, and to imply such is slanderous and deluded.

Second, how do you know that no legal action will be taken against this professor? I don't see anything to that effect in the article, and I certainly would expect there to be, if there is enough evidence.

Third, just what evidence do you have for ANY fraudulent climate change studies, other than your own fantasies? If you have evidence, you should produce it, if you don't have evidence, you should shut up.

By the way, linking to some propagandist blog like "C3headlines" or "iceagenow" does not constitute evidence.

Now go crawl back into your little hole.

Dr. Paul Wheeler, who's medical views appeared to be outside the mainstream, was payed to testify on behalf of the coal companies. Sadly autopsies proved conclusively that Dr. Paul Wheeler was "wrong"

I'm skeptical that the USA has ruin out of lawyers.

Moe --

>>I am frankly sick of hearing about criminals getting away with crimes that should land them in jail being resolved by resignation.<<

Poor baby Believing lies is your problem. Accusing climate scientists of lying should make people sick.

Name one climate scientist who retired to avoid prosecution. You can't because you're a liar.

Quit while you are a behind


A professor fakes AIDS vaccine research to get $19 million grant. He gets no penalty other than a request not to get another grant for 3 years.

How many fraudulent global warming/ climate change studies are going on to get the same kind of grant $$$?