> Who is more accurate in global warming predictions?

Who is more accurate in global warming predictions?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Global warming scientists or a flip of a coin? Or are they both about the same?

Flipping coins would have been far more accurate. If you flip a coin 73 times you will most likely get about 50% heads and 50% tails, or maybe a few more heads than tails. But pretty close to 50%-50%.

The Alarmist community got all 73 of their very expensive climate models dead wrong, have a look.


The average of the models show that global temperature should be about 1°C above normal by now. In reality according to RSS it's less than half of that and declining. So they missed by more than 100% and they have the trend wrong.

Coin flipping would have got about half of them right. But you have to wonder why Climatists get 73 chances to predict future climate --- they should only have ONE. But even with 73 chances, they still managed to be consistently WRONG.

There is a reason why they are all wrong. It's simply because their climate models are all based on the idea that CO2 causes warming --- it does not. Increased CO2 levels are the RESULT of warming not the cause.


Scientists know a lot about the process that is occurring, but can't accurately predict the speed at which things will progress, because human carbon emissions are creating a situation that has never before occurred in the history of the planet: an incredibly rapid rise in global temperature, unlike other fluctuations that took thousands of years. For more info, check out citizensclimatelobby.org.

I was once asked if I could 100% guarantee which side of a penny would come up in a single flip. I said yes, it will be either heads or tails (back when I was a smart-***). The person flipped it and it ended up balanced perfectly on its on its side. Crap, a coin actually has three sides.

I said, let's try that again. The person flipped the penny again and it bounced and fell into vat of molten copper.

Since it was on a warming trend for the last few hundred years, with minor ups and downs, you would expect the predictions of warming to have a greater than 50% chance but they got greedy and exaggerated way too much.

Dook suggests they never predict anything. What a joke alarmists have become. If your predictions aren't panning out so well, you try to deflect and distract but it isn't working.

i'm not at all surprised any more when i see conservatives who think there's a huge conspiracy going on in the scientific community. that's the kind of thing that happens to people when they don't know what science is.

this is funny . we have PAID deniers asking questions , and other PAID deniers answering them . spend the 30 pieces of silver wisely .

Hansel and Grettal Vs. The Witch. Which ever one comes out of the castle is more dependable that all of Jimmy Hansen's computer models put together.

Only deniers of science endlessly pretend that it is mainly about predictions.

Global warming scientists or a flip of a coin? Or are they both about the same?