> When was the last ice age?

When was the last ice age?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
When was the last ice age and what was it called?

I have found loads of different websites telling me different answers to when the last ice age was. Please help!

Go to the 1990 IPCC report. Page 202, Section 7

There are several charts. One clearly shows that there was a Little Ice Age around 1600 to 1700 CE.

This is fairly well established and agreed to. Most of our laws and taxes were based upon the IPCC's findings of that report. It was that report that 'established' AGW.

You're probably getting two different answers in your research because there are two different definitions for "ice age".

How Most People Define "Ice Age": Lots of Ice

The popular definition for "ice age" is what geologists call a glacial period. A glacial period is a period of time with cooler global temperatures and expanded ice sheet coverage. "Ice Age" in capital letters is the popular term for the most recent glacial period. This began about 110 thousand years ago, peaked from about 26.5 to 19 or 20 thousand years ago, and ended about 12 thousand years ago.



How Geologists Define "Ice Age": Some Ice

The other definition for "ice age" is what geologists call an ice age, or glacial age. An ice age or glacial age is defined in geology as a period of time when substantial ice sheets persist anywhere on Earth's surface. Glacial periods, when ice sheets expand, only occur within glacial ages, when ice sheets exist. So, logically, a glacial age lasts for a relatively long amount of time, and contains many glacial periods within it.

In fact, the planet is currently within a glacial age, since there are year-round ice sheets over both poles, Greenland, and many mountains. The current glacial age is known as the Quaternary glaciation or Pleistocene glaciation, and began about 2.58 million years ago.

Prior to the current glacial age, in the Neogene period, the planet would have looked noticeably different from space. There would have been no large, lasting ice caps or glaciers on Earth, not even over Antarctica.



The last known ice age was call Pliocene-Quaternary glaciation and began 2.5 million years ago in the Antarctica.

It depends on where you are. The last ice age, about 125,000 years ago (or a bit less) is called the Wisconsin in the USA. In Europe, it is called the Riss-Würm. Same thing, different names. That might account for the discrepancies.

The last ice age ended 11,500yrs ago and started 110,000 years ago (difficult to put an exact date on it)


Have tried google advanced search?

Limit the domains to EDU , that way you get universities, a less crap from internet.

You could use the following search:

Ice age names site:EDU

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When was the last ice age and what was it called?

I have found loads of different websites telling me different answers to when the last ice age was. Please help!