> How many types of climate are found in europe?

How many types of climate are found in europe?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Four seasons occur in Eastern Europe, while southern Europe experiences distinct wet season and dry season, with prevailing hot and dry conditions during the summer months. Mediterranean type climate can be found in areas in southern Europe as it is close to Mediterranean sea. Mountain regions have Alphine type climate.Northern Europe near sea have a Marine Coastal type climate. Far northern has a sub-Artic type climate where as Inland Europe has Temperate type climate. Eastern Europe has a humid continental type climate.

Here is a link to a Koppen climate classification map for Europe. You'll have to look at the map and see which ones actually occur. You might try picking up a book on climatology.There is one by Haurwitz and Austin that is quite old now, but with a good description of the climates of Europe.


6 Type

"I think Europe has them all except desert,"

I can remember many many years ago a TV program that presented the output of an early computer model that had the UK as a desert in the not too distant future. That was it, the science was settled and we were all going to be living in a desert.

However, in those days, the BBC still employed journalists with the power of thought. The journalist asked the scientist what the output of the model was for the current year. Apparently, it was a desert then as well.

The UK met Office has some worrds on climate areas: http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/euro... and Google has lots of maps. Try an image search on Europe Climate.

I think Europe has them all except desert, It has temperate, polar ( inside the Arctic circle) it has Mediterranean, continental (maybe) alpine, and maritime.

i think there is four type of climate.

Spring and winter

13. all documented at

