> Beijing and Berlin are 7 C and 5 C on Christmas Day, respectively, all green Christmas. Is this due to global?

Beijing and Berlin are 7 C and 5 C on Christmas Day, respectively, all green Christmas. Is this due to global?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 



Possibly, but we can't be sure.

In essence, global warming means that, *on average*, most places will be warmer than they otherwise would have been. It doesn't mean that there will never be cold weather, and any given instance of relatively warm weather isn't proof that warming is occurring.

Well this is winter in many places and surprisingly it gets cold and snows

So far this year there has been unusual snow and cold, which was predicted as an aspect of GW, hence the current references to climate change

The difference between "are" and "are predicted to be in two weeks" is not due to global warming.



